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    Missing client side API: DSResponse.getOperationId()

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I have a TabSet with Tabs with different forms, all editing different fields of a DataSource.
    I do not have a ValuesManager, as for the user, the data does seem to affect different tables, therefore it has to be possible to save one tab and fail in another.

    I start the save from a buttonclick that does start a RPCManager queue and saves all different forms together.
    On response, I need to know which save failed in order to show a popup informing the user about which tab-data failed to save.

    Therefore I need to tell wich response came from which tab. My way of doing so would be to ask the RPCResponse/DSResponse for its OperationId, but unfortunately this is not available.
    There is only getDataSource() and getOperationType(). Could you add getOperationId() as well?

    I'm using latest 5.1p.

    Thank you & Best regards

    The requested API has been added. Please try the next nightly build, dated March 17.

    Isomorphic Software


      Hi Isomorphic,

      thanks for adding.
      When using it I realized my (validation) error is occurring before I send the DSRequest-queue, so I do not have a RPCResponse/DSResponse I need to ask for its OperationId.
      But I'm pretty sure someone will have use for the API as well. If so, see these docs on casting a RPCResponse to a DSResponse.

      Thanks again & Best regards

