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    Unable to create a usable scrollbar for CubeGrid's parent layout

    Hi Isomorphic,

    We are creating a Cube layout similar to the Advanced Cube sample in the showcase.
    What we have, is a similar VLayout, where cube uses the bottom half of the Layout.
    Once the cube is expanded, the CubeGrid gets Vertical ScrollBars, however, it clips and does not extend beyond the VLayout height.
    I tried playing with the Overflow, but to no avail.

    What I would like is a that when the cube is expanded, a Vertical scrollbar should appear in the parent VLayout so that the user can scroll down to basically hide the top half of the non-CubeGrid component.
    Any way to achieve this?


    The purpose of a Layout is to fill the space allocated to it, so it's doing what it is designed and doc'd to do.

    You could instead use a VStack and assign a height to the CubeGrid (since the VStack, unlike a VLayout, will not try to manage the CubeGrid's height).

    However, overall, you want the scrollbars on the CubeGrid rather than on a container. When the CubeGrid is showing scrollbars, it avoids drawing and fetch data that isn't visible. If the CubeGrid is within a scrolling container, it still has to fetch and render everything that would be visible if the parent were scrolled.

    Overall, if you are trying to give the end user the ability to make more room for the CubeGrid by scrolling some controls off screen, a better approach would be a SectionStack, so the end user can simple collapse a section to hide controls he's not using.

