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    SmartGWT 3.1 and Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) Support

    Just wondering if I can get a status on IE 10 support for SmartGWT 3.1. We see multiple visual problems with tree views, drop down lists, etc.

    These problems all exist in your showcase at if you want to see examples.



    IE10 should be supported (with the latest nightly build) if you have doctype set to specify HTML5 (So include <!DOCTYPE HTML> at the top of your bootstrap).

    If you are seeing visual issues in this scenario, let us know and we will take a look on a per-case basis.
    Please by specific: for issues visible in the showcase (running against the latest nightly), descriptions of how to reproduce, plus screenshots are useful. For other issues, please show us a standalone test case we can run to demonstrate the problem.

    Please do test against the latest nightly build -- the live showcase visible on the site is typically not running the most recent code so may show issues that do not exist in recent patched builds.

    Isomorphic Software


      Was anything fixed in 8.2p to support IE10 ? ... For instance, if I'm running SmartClient_v82p_2013-01-28 would it work with IE10 or do I need to upgrade to a later version ?

      PS: Maybe I should have posted in another forum, but I'm not using SmartGWT, but rather the native Javascript SmarClient.

      Last edited by yavery; 29 May 2013, 06:53.


        Yes, you must upgrade to at least 8.3 (aka SGWT 3.1) for IE10 support. Migrating straight to 9.0 (aka SGWT 4.0) is recommended as long as you're going through the upgrade process anyway.


          What about 8.2p ? Isn't that an officially supported version too ? We tried migrating to 8.3p earlier
          this year but abandoned the effort at that time because there were too many integration issues.

          What's the official SmartClient position in regards to IE10 with 8.2p ?



            Again, the position is that it is not supported.

            In general, if a new browser comes out, the most recent existing release will be updated to support it; older releases will not unless the changes are trivial (or no changes are required, as is common).

            Unfortunately, some new browsers can cause very significant framework changes when Microsoft or another vendor breaks backwards compatibility. Microsoft went so far as to outright break JavaScript eval() in IE9, triggering a huge rework of comm and other subsystems.

            This kind of thing is not reasonably a "patch" - migrating to the next version carries equal risk.



              Sorry to ask again, but I just want to make sure ...

              We earlier asked if Internet Explorer 10 was supported in 8.3p ... I'm asking because we are
              seeing some issues and also read in some other forum threads that IE10 required upgrading to 9.x ...

              What's the official Isomorphic support position in regards to Internet Explorer 10 and 8.3p ?

              Should it be working in "TRUE" IE 10 quirks mode (not in compatibility mode) with 8.3p ?

              Thanks for these additional clarifications.


                In general you need to move to a SmartClient version that was released *after* a particular browser you want to support was released.

                This is sometimes not true for eg smaller Chrome or Firefox updates, but has historically been required for IE, where Microsoft usually breaks something huge every release.

                So you do need to be on 9.0 for IE9/10, and quirks mode can no longer be supported on these browsers at all, due to serious issues introduced in IE9, for which there are no workarounds (see FAQ).


                  Thanks for clarifying ...

                  Can you please point me to that FAQ please document ...


                    It's this one. Multiply linked from every post (see links on right) if you need it again.

