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    Live Search Drop down PickList Issue

    Version Information:
    Browser : IE9, Chrome 64 Bit

    Our combobox (titled Link to OFI in the images) pulls data from database using REST service. We create ListGridRecord from data which is set as TestData
     SearchRequest request = GWT.create(SearchRequest.class);
            request.searchString = linkToOfi.getValueAsString();
            restService.searchByName(request, new Result<ResultList>() {
                public void onResponse(ResultList resultList) {
    Please have a look at images.
    The picklist is supposed to be displayed downwards (or upwards if there is not enough space) but somehow in our case it appears in middle of screen (in email field) which is not even in same section (Account Details).
    This happens only when the browser window is resized in the a way that ComboBox is right at the bottom of browser window. Behaviour seams to be same across all browsers.
    Any ideas how to fix it please.
    Attached Files

    This would seem to be unrelated to your dataSource - from your description it appears to be purely a client-side problem where the logic to position the picklist is broken.

    Can you confirm whether this happens with the latest nightly build on the branch you're on as if this is a framework bug it seems very likely this would already be fixed.

    If it does persist, can you show us a way to reproduce the problem using one of the SmartClient samples, or if the problem doesn't occur there, a simple test case we can run which mimics the relevant part of your application's UI?

    Isomorphic Software

