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    Hidding columns from picker

    Hi Team,

    We are currently using:-
    BuildDate Wed Mar 05 15:52:00 IST 2014
    Version 4.1p
    SCVersionNumber v9.1p_2014-03-05

    Team, we are using field picker funtionality from List Grids.
    Our requirement is that we need to add or remove some fields on some condition basis other that adding or removing through picker but we dont want these fields to be VISIBLE in either available or hidden fields.

    After that i need to use grid.getAllFields(); to obtain some information like order etc.

    The problem is using setCanHide(false); does not include that field in pickers available list and after that getAllFields(); does not give me the right result.

    Sorry, we're not following. You have said that "we dont want these fields to be VISIBLE in either available or hidden fields".

    The property to do this is field.canHide.

    But then you report that when you set that property, the field "does not include that field in pickers available list". But that's exactly what you said you wanted, so that doesn't make sense.

    As far as getAllFields() not returning "the right result", you will need to clarify what you were expecting as well. getAllFields() will return a field even if it is set canHide:false.


      Sorry for wrong words.

      The problem is using setCanHide(false); does include that field in pickers visible list(which we don't want) and after that getAllFields(); does not give me the right result means it doesn't include these fields.

      "As far as getAllFields() not returning "the right result", you will eed to clarify what you were expecting as well.
      getAllFields() will return a field even if it is set canHide:false."

      -- My expectation was it would return me those fields but it does not.


        By design, setCanHide(false) includes the field for clarity but does not allow the user to hide it.

        As far as getAllFields() not returning the field, this isn't reproducible and doesn't make a lot of sense - lots of things wouldn't work if a field configured on the grid wasn't returned by this API. As far as this report, we'll need to see a minimal test case that reproduces the problem.

