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    Tilde Issue on AppEngine? Probably not SmartGWT bug


    My application can't seem to resolve the file "back_array~2.png" that is located in the skins directory. I'm running on Google AppEngine. When running locally, it seems to show the arrow just fine. Therefore, I don't think it has anything to do with SmartGWT.

    "GET /barbermgwt/sc/skins/Enterprise/images/NavigationBar/back_arrow~2.png HTTP/1.1" 404

    Further, other files in the skin directory come up just fine, for example: "GET /barbermgwt/sc/skins/Enterprise/skin_styles.css HTTP/1.1" 200

    I've tried accessing the file directly from the browser and same issue (so again nothing with SmartGWT).

    Anybody else have the same issue?

    I'm running: Isomorphic SmartClient/SmartGWT Framework (v10.0p_2014-12-19/PowerEdition Deployment 2014-12-19)

    Isomorphic, any chance we can change that filename to back_arrow.png and drop the tilde?

    We can't change it because that's a convention used by iOS for retina resolution files. We'd suggest checking the GAE forums, since this likely to come up all the time.

    For completeness, you could also switch to AWS, which is also very easy to deploy to and doesn't have odd issues arising from not really being a true JVM/Linux deployment.

