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    Web Architect/Developer


    I use SmartGWT 4.0 with Firefox 24.8.1, I could not find a solution to set the focus in a different column in an editing row in a ListGrid after calling startEditingNew().
    The goal is to set a default value in the first column and set the focus to the second one in the current editing row.

        private RowEditorEnterHandler rowEditorEnterHandler = new RowEditorEnterHandler() {
    		public void onRowEditorEnter(RowEditorEnterEvent event) {
                // getting the Row and Column of the new editing row
                ListGrid myGridList = event.
                int row = myGridList.getEditRow();
                int col = myGridList.getEditCol();
                ListGridRecord rec = myGridList.getRecord(row);
                if (rec == null) {
                    // it is a new inserted row.
                    // Setting the default name for the new added Row.
                    String defaultName = getDefaultName();
                    myGridList.setEditValue(row, col, defaultName);
                    FormItem f = myGridList.getEditFormItem(0);
                    f = myGridList.getEditFormItem(1);
                    f.focusInItem();  // <-- does not work
                    f.getForm().focusInItem(1); // <-- does not work
                    f.getForm().focusInNextTabElement(); //<-- throws an exception
    I even tried to set an empty string into the second column to gain the focus but was not successful. I don't know what am I missing. A solution or workaround would be appreciated.

    Call startEditing() passing rowNum and colNum of where you want editing to move to.

    You should update to 5.0 as soon as possible (or at the very least, 4.1).


      Thanks for quick response I trieed the startEditing(int, int) immediately after setting the value,, did not work.

      I will upgarde to 5.0 and test it again

      		int row = setListGrid.getEditRow();
      		int col = setListGrid.getEditCol();
      		ListGridRecord rec = setListGrid.getRecord(row);
      		if (rec == null) {
      			// it is a new inserted row.
      			// Setting the default name for the new added Row.
      			String defaultName = getDefaultName();
      			setListGrid.setEditValue(row, col, defaultName);
      			setListGrid.startEditing(row, col + 1);

