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    RPC ExportContent for Google maps is not working

    Hi Isomorphic,

    We have wrapped a Google map(Google Maps V3 API) widget into a smartgwt canvas and placed it in a Window.

    We want to have the map exported as an image/ PDF.

    But when we try exportContent(mapCanvas), the map refreshes to a blank page and the exported PDF is blank.

    Does exportContent of RPCManager doesn't support export of the content of google maps?

    We hoped it would be possible to extract a snapshot of the map as an image/pdf.


    No, it's not possible in general to export a third-party widget that creates and manipulates its own DOM.

    However, if you take the HTML created by Google Maps and place it in a Canvas as Canvas.contents, that HTML will be transmitted to the server and will export (so long as your PDF renderer can deal with the HTML Google generates).

    From some quick searching, there appears to be a "Google Static Maps API" intended for this kind of purpose - see this page explaining how to use it.

