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    Order of columns in Grid is not maintained once we freeze and unfreeze the grid

    In the List Grid, if you freeze a column and unfreeze it, the order of the columns is not maintained. Is it designed that way or is it a bug?
    Actual Result:
    original order of the columns is not maintained after unfreezing
    Expected Result:
    original order of the columns should be maintained after unfreezing

    This is by design. We place the unfrozen column in the first position to make sure it remains visible, and to be as near as possible to its frozen position, since the user has unfrozen the column only and in no way indicated that they want the column moved potentially offscreen.


      Ok thank you.

      In future can we expect a property on the list grid, that can allow the original order of columns retained on a column being unfrozen?


        No. As we just explained, the current design seems the best default behavior.

        We have had no other requests for any other behaviors, nor anyone articulating why any other behavior would be more desirable.

        If you'd like to see a new property added here, consider Feature Sponsorship - but be prepared to explain some use case in which the behavior you're looking for actually makes more sense than the default (a feature only qualifies for Feature Sponsorship if it seems likely that more than one customer would want it).

