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    How to Update Views Across Browsers


    I was wondering how to update views across browsers/workstation. For instance. I have a Calendar opened in a browser in workstation A. And another one opened in a browser in workstation B.

    When I send a DS Request to a Calendar non-client datasource on workstation A, the DS Response will update the Calendar on workstation A. But the Calendar on workstation B is not updated.

    Lastly, Calendar B is only updated when I refresh the browser page.

    This is what I'm trying to do:

    workstation A -> DS Request -> Updates Server Datasource -> Updates all workstation (no refresh).

    I've been unsuccessful getting it it work with updateCaches.

    Much Thanks.

    \"v10.0p_2014-09-09/EVAL Edition Deployment\"

    firefox 37+

    You need a way to stream updates to the browsers of the users that did not perform the update. This article explains how to do it using SmartGWT's Real Time Messaging module.

