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    JS files report errors when running Super dev mode in smartgwtee-5.0p

    I use smartgwtee-5.0p, Chrome Version 40.0.2214.111 m with GWT dev plugin 1.0.11357
    As 1st step in GWT, I'm working on sample project BuiltInDS and got problem with SDM: GWT runtime js files that worked normally with Classic Dev Mode, on CHROME, give errors like: "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function". Example:
    ISC_Core.js on line:
    if (isc.Log.supportsOnError)
    // isc.log is undefined
    The same code work in SDM for IE8, but Chrome SDM got cool features that i don't see in IE SDM, like java files with inline js.
    I changed html to explicitly list runtime js, otherwise i had an error: "GWT Runtime is not loaded". Now the error's gone, but js come with inresolved refs errors mentioned above.
    What is specific about CodeServer handles runtime js in SDM?
    Is there any fix/workaround form my issue?

    Please take a look at the Debugging topic in the docs for how to properly run SDM with SmartGWT.


      I use eclipe to start the server; No errors in eclipse logs, it says:
      "The code server is ready.
      Next, visit:"
      Errors come only in javascript console in chrome


        Thank you Admistratior. There are several docs online for how to properly run SDM with SmartGWT. Can you please post a specific link?
        Thank you


          We already pointed you to a specific document:

          Please take a look at the Debugging topic in the docs for how to properly run SDM with SmartGWT.


            In the docs we suggested you look at (which can be seen and, we recommend running the CodeServer Java app (via bookmarklets). With that approach there should be no issue like the one you're hitting. (That was the only way to run SDM in GWT 2.6.x, but in GWT 2.7.0 it's still allowed.)

            The situation is a bit different when running SDM by using the Eclipse SDM Server Plugin for GWT 2.7.0. We've had to make some modifications to our custom linker and sample project HTML to ensure we load any script tags that are skipped by GWT. These fixes have already been added to SGWT 5.1d, but we'll make sure they get into SGWT 5.0p for tomorrow's nightly build.


              Finally, got it work; the cause was me incorrectly creating "Dev Mode On" bookmark.
              Thanks a lot!

