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    Code server report mismatch between Smart GWT 5.0p & SmartClient version

    I'm trying to migrate a code to Smart GWT 5.0p
    I made Code Server for sample project to work. However, working with my project when I click compile in bookmark/button "Dev Mode On", I got error in Chrome:

    "com.smartgwt.client.core.JsObject$SGWT_WARN: This build of Smart GWT 5.0p was built for SmartClient version v10.0p_2015-06-03 but SmartClient version v8.2p_2012-07-26 is loaded.

    To correct this problem, clear GWT's unitcache, run a GWT compile, restart the browser, and clear the browser's cache before visiting any pages.
    at createStackTrace
    at fillInStackTrace_1
    at fillInStackTrace
    at $fillInStackTrace
    at Throwable_1
    at Exception_1
    at JsObject$SGWT_WARN_0
    at init_6
    at $onModuleLoad_2
    at init_5
    at apply_0
    at entry0
    at anonymous
    at gwtOnLoad
    at anonymous"

    I cleared on caches as suggeseted - didn't help
    Can anyone please explain to me where "Smart Client" part is located, at least for sample project BuitInDS? And how can I change the version of Smart Client
    Thanks in advance

    Code server report mismatch between Smart GWT 5.0p & SmartClient version

    I see ISC_*.js files (for example ISC_Core.js) where the version is mentioned. Should I replace these files to newer version?


      5.0 packages don't ship with any code from SmartClient 8.2p - you have these files sitting around on your machine from working with older editions of our product. It should be easy to locate the stale copies via filesystem search.

