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    Line height of clipped values disappears

    When setting the clipStaticValue property to true (in my case on a TextItem) the content is no longer centered vertically when the item is readonly. I also set the staticHeight property to null (so it uses the height).

    I don't necessarily need clipStaticValue if there's another way to prevent long content from making my forms wider than they are supposed to be. So basically the problem I'm facing is that long content stretches the form when in read-only mode. I've attached the results in two small images.
    Attached Files

    Not sure if the above is a bug, but I managed to "monkey patch" it with this code. I'm unsure if this is the way to go, but the problem is very annoying so I had to do something:

      _shouldVerticallyCenterTextBox: function () {
        return this._getClipValue()


      This whole approach seems to fails, because in production I use different SmartClient source files (not the "debug" modules) and methods like _getClipValue() are obfuscated. So is there any way of fixing this? Any help would be appreciated.

