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    MenuBar display issues

    SmartClient v10.0p_2015-09-03

    Tested smartclientSDK\examples\components\menubar_features.html on following browser versions:
    IE 11, 9, 8 (various subversions), Firefox 42.0, 19.0.2, 17.0.8

    In Firefox, menu is cutoff.
    In IE, with Compatibility On (Tools->Compatibility View settings->Display intranet sites in Compatibility View) menu background is transparent. With Compatibility On, display is fine.
    See attached examples.

    With SmartClient v7 and v9, displays are generally OK (with some minor issues such as shadow size). Issues with v10 are unworkable.
    Attached Files

    We don't see a clipping issue in Firefox 42. In fact, the sample looks nothing like what you've shown, which might indicate that you copied and pasted the code invalidly in some way - check your Developer Console for errors or warnings.

    As far as Compatibility View, aside from the fact that your screen also looks quite unlike the sample you refer to, note that the Compatibility View feature in IE is badly broken, and there are cases where the browser enters a state which is a bizarre mix of different document modes; there are no known, feasible workarounds for the many issues with this browser mode.


      Sorry about the incomplete/incorrect Firefox description. The problem does NOT occur in 42, but does with 17.0.8 and 19.0.2. More complete screenshot is attached, including URL. I confirmed the menubar_features.htnl path in the downloaded ZIP file, so I'm missing something with the "sample looks nothing like what you've shown" comment.

      Thanks for the IE Compatibility View background. Found HTML tag "<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE" />" (courtesy of: seems to handle that problem by forcing Compatibility off for IE.
      Attached Files


        Firefox 19 is so out of date that 2-3 ESR (extended support release) builds released after FF19 are now no longer supported by Mozilla. No vendor is accepting even security issues against this browser, and that includes Isomorphic.

