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    Smartclient 10.1 - Timeline fails setTimelineRange

    Hi there,
    It seems that some parts of the timeline are failing.

    If i'm calling setTimelineRange there is an js error in the ISC_Calendar.js
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Animation 29.gif
Views:	61
Size:	179.2 KB
ID:	234264

    Once more, this bug was not happening in an old Smartclient 10.0 Version (See the changing week number)
    This would be the expected behaviour
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Animation 30.gif
Views:	44
Size:	140.2 KB
ID:	234265

    Code for reproduction:
        "ID" : "a",
        "click" : function () {
            myTimeline.setTimelineRange(new Date(2016, 1, 15), new Date(2016, 2, 13));
        "title" : "Set data",
        "ID" : "myTimeline",
        "width" : "100%",
        autoDraw : true,
        top : 50,
        "height" : "100%",
        "overflow" : "auto",
        "hideUsingDisplayNone" : false,
        "startDate" : new Date(2016, 0, 18),
        "endDate" : new Date(2016, 1, 14),
        "headerLevels" :
                "unit" : "week"
            }, {
                "unit" : "day",
                "titleFormatter" : function (headerLevel, startDate, endDate, defaultValue, viewer) {
                    return startDate.getDay()
                "headerWidth" : 39
        "canEditEvents" : false,
        "canCreateEvents" : false,
        "autoFetchData" : true,
        "showControlsBar" : false,
        "firstDayOfWeek" : 1,
        "weekPrefix" : "Week",
        "todayBackgroundColor" : "#E0E0E0",
        "showEventHeaders" : false,
        "showEventDescriptions" : false,
        "eventSnapGap" : 37,
        "labelColumnWidth" : 200,
        "alternateLaneStyles" : true,
        "laneFields" :
                "name" : "title",
                "title" : "&nbsp",
                "type" : "text",
                "canEdit" : false
        "lanes" :
                "hierarchyLevel" : 0,
                "height" : 30,
                "name" : "1",
                "title" : "ExampleLane"
        "data" :
    Best regards

    Hi there,
    any news on this?

    Best regards


      Apologies for the delay - we just made a change to address this issue and you can test the fix in builds dated January 22 and later.


        I'm waiting for the next release. It seems that neither the build on 22nd January nor one after that was released.
        I'm confirming the fix asap when the next release is published.


          Sorry for the questioning, but is a new relase planned for this week?
          We want to release a new version of our product and also want to include sc10.1, but the latest version downloadable is the release from the 21st January.
          With this bugs we cannot ship with sc10.1 and have to downgrad again to sc10, which will lead into further testing if this version has additional bugs since we switched to 10.1 branch.

          Best regards


            Thanks for your patience - there is a new (Jan 27) build available now which should address this issue.


              Thanks, this fix worked as expected.

