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    Modify display value of listGridField with an optionDataSource

    I have a listgrid defined like the following:

        dataSource: 'mainDataSource',
        fields: [
            { name: "person_id", width:"*", editorType: "select",
                optionDataSource:"userEntityDataSource", optionCriteria: { type: 'manager' },
                valueField:"tutor_id", displayField: 'firstname'
            { name: "thing", width:"25%" },
            { name: "start_date", width:"*" },
    Instead of using a displayField for person_id, I want to use a custom formatter so that I can return a formatted version of the person name. My datasource (userEntityDataSource) returns title, firstname and surname which I need to concatenate.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    Please see this sample. Use listGridField.editorProperties to apply the necessary settings to the SelectItem used for editing in the grid.


      Thank you for the quick reply.

      That is not quite what I am after.

      It is not the editor that is an issue, it is just the display of a value in the listgrid.


        Pulling fields from a related DataSource is generally achieved by a database join. If you are using our server framework with one of the built-in connectors (SQL, JPA, Hibernate) this is as simple as declaring dataSourceField.includeFrom. If you aren't, you still want the same result, so read the includeFrom docs anyway.

