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    Reg: DynamicForm ServerCustom validate is not calling for som fields


    Please answer the below questions:

    1) In Dynamic Form, if the form field value is empty then in server custom validation Condition method that specific field is not coming for validate while add/update.
    We can't use required:true for the field as it is not mandatory for other business reasons.

    2) If we are using any field in the Datasource which is not available in the Database then in the ListGrid this field not coming to editable mode until and unless If i am specifically mentioning the canEdit:true for the field level. But for all other fields which are available in the database is coming to editable mode.

    Could you please suggest is there any property to set to make this work.


    1) If a field is not required, and no value is provided for the field, validators in general will not run for that field. This is expected and correct behavior. If you have validation code that you need to perform regardless of whether this field is present, you could instead add your logic as a DMI.

    2) This is expected and correct behavior. If there's no database column for a field, then the framework cannot automatically save values to that field, so we default to canEdit:false.

