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    Managing colors in FacetCharts

    Hi Team,

    I have 2 facet charts with the below Data sets

    Data Set 1
    ABC 10
    XYZ 20
    EFG 30
    BER 55

    Data Set 2
    ABC 50
    EFG 40

    Now, my requirement is to have colors to be consistent i.e., if ABC is red in first chart then it has to be red in second too.

    I had a look at the documentation but couldnt get through it. The only property that I see is dataColors which takes an input as an array of colors.
    Even If I to go with this approach by giving the dataColors as an array, there are some rows in the 2nd chart, so EFG is taking the color of XYZ which shouldnt happen.

    Is there a possibility to specify color based on a column
    or is there any possibility to bind 2 charts to show same colors.

    Please let me know any point that could be helpful.

    We are working on below environment:

    Version: Isomorphic SmartClient/SmartGWT Framework (SmartClient_v90p_2014-03-07_PowerEdition)

    Browser: IE9

    Thanks in Advance.
    Last edited by Abdulaziz A. ; 4 Jun 2014, 02:45.

    Any update on this. Waiting for your reply.


      Sorry for the delay on this. Yes this is possible by overriding facetChart.getDataColor().
      Here's some test code demonstrating this approach.

      Isomorphic Software
      isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("ConsistentColorsFacetChart", "FacetChart");
          dataColorsMap: {
              ABC: "#df5545",
              XYZ: "#7ae02d",
              EFG: "#4d89f9",
              BER: "#2de0e0"
          initWidget : function () {
              this.facets = [{ id: "columnLabel" }];
              this.Super("initWidget", arguments);
          valueProperty: "value",
          getDataColor : function (index) {
              var facet = this.getFacet("columnLabel"),
                  facetValue = facet.values[index];
              return this.dataColorsMap[];
          autoDraw: false,
          ID: "chart1",
          showTitle: false,
          chartType: "Column",
          data: [
              { columnLabel: "ABC", value: 10 },
              { columnLabel: "XYZ", value: 20 },
              { columnLabel: "EFG", value: 30 },
              { columnLabel: "BER", value: 55 }]
          autoDraw: false,
          ID: "chart2",
          showTitle: false,
          chartType: "Column",
          data: [
              { columnLabel: "ABC", value: 50 },
              { columnLabel: "EFG", value: 40 }]
          ID: "layout",
          width: 600,
          height: 300,
          membersMargin: 10,
          members: [chart1, chart2]


        In the ConsistentColorFacetChart you have hardcoded all the values that are possible in the datasets but actual scenario consists of dynamic values in both the datasets and I cant assure that they will be same.


        DataSet 1
        ABC 10
        XYZ 20

        DataSet 2
        EFG 5

        The number of rows is not constant and the data is dynamic which comes from the Database, So we cant hardcode them because we dont know what data is going to come...
        We cant hardcode the data as you have specified in the suggested solution as

            dataColorsMap: {
                ABC: "#df5545",
                XYZ: "#7ae02d",
                EFG: "#4d89f9",
                BER: "#2de0e0"
        Please suggest what else we could do in this regard.

        Thanks in advance.
        Last edited by Abdulaziz A. ; 23 Jun 2014, 19:34.


          The most important part of this sample code is the fact that "getDataColor()" is overridden to provide custom colors. You can basically use any logic you like within that method to choose what colors to display.
          Your exact implementation is really up to you.

          Here's an example which builds a map of value --> color mappings dynamically as it sees new values. This version is for demo only - it is seeded with an array of hardcoded colors to use, but you could also use math to create the unique hex-string for colors, either randomly, or based off the value string each time a new color is needed.
          In short there are many ways you could actually implement this in your app, and you'll have to consider your exact requirements to decide the best way to do this for your application.

          Isomorphic Software

          isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("ConsistentColorsFacetChart", "FacetChart");
            dataColors: [
                  "#2de0e0" // could have many more entries 
              getNewColor : function () {
                    // Pull from a hardcoded array of colors
                   // (Could use any mechanism for this, such as a numeric function to build a hex string, etc)
                   return this.dataColors.pop();
              getDataColor : function (value) {
                  var map = this.dataColorsMap;
                  if (map[value] == null) map[value] = this.getNewColor();
                  return map[value]
              initWidget : function () {
                  this.facets = [{ id: "columnLabel" }];
                  this.Super("initWidget", arguments);
              valueProperty: "value",
              getDataColor : function (index) {
                  var facet = this.getFacet("columnLabel"),
                      facetValue = facet.values[index];
                  return isc.ConsistentColorsFacetChart.getDataColor(;
              autoDraw: false,
              ID: "chart1",
              showTitle: false,
              chartType: "Column",
              data: [
                  { columnLabel: "ABC", value: 10 },
                  { columnLabel: "XYZ", value: 20 },
                  { columnLabel: "EFG", value: 30 },
                  { columnLabel: "BER", value: 55 }]
              autoDraw: false,
              ID: "chart2",
              showTitle: false,
              chartType: "Column",
              data: [
                  { columnLabel: "ABC", value: 50 },
                  { columnLabel: "EFG", value: 40 }]
              ID: "layout",
              width: 600,
              height: 300,
              membersMargin: 10,
              members: [chart1, chart2]


            Thanks and its good to know that there is addClassProperties which act like Java static variables for a specified class.

