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    TreeGrid scroll bar on mobile devices in version 10.0d

    Version 9.1 had draggable scrollbars on TreeGrid on all mobile devices, but it seems to be gone in 10.0d - is this by design? These scrollbars were extremely useful as you could scroll all the way down in one shot

    Yes, touch scrolling is now the default since that's what mobile applications normally do. See the Mobile Development overview for more background, and how to re-introduce a scrollbar if you want it.


      Yes in 10.0 I can enable scrollbars by setting useTouchScrolling: false on the grid but in version 9.1 I could have both touch scrolling and scrollbar, there is no way to have both in 10.0?


        We didn't anticipate anyone needing this, but it could make sense, so we've added a new property canvas.alwaysShowScrollbars which allows this.

        Note that this does reveal an uncorrectable glitch: during momentum scrolling, the scrollbar thumb does not move to reflect the current scroll position. This happens because during momentum scrolling, browsers currently do not fire any events indicating that the scroll position is changing. The scroll position does update when momentum scrolling ends.


          That's great, when could I try this


            Tomorrow's 10.0 build (from


              This works great, although I my humble opinion this option alwaysShowScrollbars should overwrite showCustomScrollbars: false on touch devices - otherwise if I want to use native scroll bars to improve performance on desktop and still see scrollbars on touch device then the extra check isc.Browser.isTouch needs to be made before setting showCustomScrollbars (which is not a big deal but a small inconvenience)

              To achieve this I just have to do this for every component that needs scrollbars:

              showCustomScrollbars: isc.Browser.isTouch,
              alwaysShowScrollbars: true


                We don't recommend setting showCustomScrollbars:false for desktop, as it's not possible to offer certain features while allowing the native browser to control scrolling - see the virtualScrolling property on ListGrid.

