Hi there,
If I'm creating a buttonItem I cannot declare it as not visible by default.
This should be possible by looking at the docs
This is reproduceable with all current browsers and the latest smartclient 10.1.
Best regards
If I'm creating a buttonItem I cannot declare it as not visible by default.
This should be possible by looking at the docs
This is reproduceable with all current browsers and the latest smartclient 10.1.
isc.VLayout.create({ "ID" : "layout", "width" : "300", "height" : "100%", "hideUsingDisplayNone" : false, "leaveScrollbarGap" : false, "members" : [isc.DynamicForm.create({ "ID" : "form", "hideUsingDisplayNone" : false, "readOnlyDisplay" : "static", "fields" : [{ "type" : "toolbar", "readOnlyDisplay" : "static", "buttons" : [{ "name" : "buttonItem", "title" : "Hidden Button", "type" : "button", "visible" : false, "readOnlyDisplay" : "static" } ], } ], }) ] })