Hi Guys,
I am using RichTextEditor in smartclient code in my application. While I am able to handle the keyDown event properly in Firefox, I am not able to do the same in chrome. I have provided the test code here. The alert appears when I type something in firefox, but not in chrome.
I am using RichTextEditor in smartclient code in my application. While I am able to handle the keyDown event properly in Firefox, I am not able to do the same in chrome. I have provided the test code here. The alert appears when I type something in firefox, but not in chrome.
var ajaxDefinition = "<span style='font-size:22px;'>Ajax</span> " + "<b>A</b>synchronous <b>J</b>avaScript <b>A</b>nd <b>X</b>ML (AJAX) is a " + "Web development technique for creating interactive <b>web applications</b>. " + "The intent is to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small " + "amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, so that the entire Web " + "page does not have to be reloaded each time the user makes a change. " + "This is meant to increase the Web page's <b>interactivity</b>, <b>speed</b>, " + "and <b>usability</b>.<br>" + "(Source: <a href='http://www.wikipedia.org' title='Wikipedia' target='_blank'>Wikipedia</a>)"; isc.VLayout.create({ width:400, membersMargin:5, members:[ isc.RichTextEditor.create({ autoDraw:false, ID:"contentEditor", height:155, overflow:"hidden", canDragResize:true, showEdges:true, // Standard control group options include // "fontControls", "formatControls", "styleControls" and "colorControls" controlGroups:["fontControls", "styleControls"], keyDown: " isc.say('hi') ", value:ajaxDefinition }), isc.IButton.create({ autoDraw:false, title:"Set Canvas HTML", width:150, click:"htmlCanvas.setContents(contentEditor.getValue())" }), isc.LayoutSpacer.create({height:10}), isc.HTMLFlow.create({ ID:"htmlCanvas", height:130, padding:2, overflow:"auto", canDragResize:true, showEdges:true, contents:"Click <b>Set Canvas HTML</b> to display edited content." }) ] })