Try this code in latest 8.3 nightly build
In Firefox:
* 'Backspace' key throws a JS error (but it fires change/changed)
* 'Del' key works ok
In Chrome:
* 'Backspace' key doesn't fire change/changed. If the press action erases text, it should fire them.
* 'Del' key doesn't fire change/changedIf the press action erases text, it should fire them.
In all browsers:
* Select text + Right click mouse -> 'Supr/Delete/Erase' doesn't fire change/changed
* Select text + Right click mouse -> 'Cut' doesn't fire change/changed
* Select text + CTRL+X shortcut doesn't fire change/changed
* Right click mouse -> 'Paste' (if there is anything to paste) doesn't fire change/changed
* CTRL+V shortcut (if there is anything to paste) doesn't fire change/changed
Other kinds of text edition (key press, etc) seems that fire change/changed ok.
Also, each time the formitem is loaded, the change/changed event is fired. This doesn't happen with other formitems, like 'text'
isc.RichTextItem.addProperties({ change: function () { console.log('change'); }, changed: function () { console.log('changed'); } }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ width: 300, fields: [ {title:"Description", type:"richText"} ] });
* 'Backspace' key throws a JS error (but it fires change/changed)
* 'Del' key works ok
In Chrome:
* 'Backspace' key doesn't fire change/changed. If the press action erases text, it should fire them.
* 'Del' key doesn't fire change/changedIf the press action erases text, it should fire them.
In all browsers:
* Select text + Right click mouse -> 'Supr/Delete/Erase' doesn't fire change/changed
* Select text + Right click mouse -> 'Cut' doesn't fire change/changed
* Select text + CTRL+X shortcut doesn't fire change/changed
* Right click mouse -> 'Paste' (if there is anything to paste) doesn't fire change/changed
* CTRL+V shortcut (if there is anything to paste) doesn't fire change/changed
Other kinds of text edition (key press, etc) seems that fire change/changed ok.
Also, each time the formitem is loaded, the change/changed event is fired. This doesn't happen with other formitems, like 'text'