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    r810 is very slow ! and r807 is very faster !

    Hy, i don't know changes between r807 and r810, but i use 90 ListGrid who fecthing a cumulate total of 500 rows.

    Time to load, display, and finishing to fetch :
    * r807 : 1 min
    * r810 : 5 min

    An idea for optimise ?

    What is a "90 ListGrid" and what data loading approach are you using?


      I load in 90 elements of type ListGrid.

      All ListGrid have :
      * 5 columns
      * .setSortField("oneField");
      * .setAutoFetchData(true);
      * .setDataSource(dataSource);
      * an @Override on getCellCSSText : protected String getCellCSSText(ListGridRecord record, int rowNum, int colNum) {
      * a ShowContextMenuHandler : this.addShowContextMenuHandler(new ShowContextMenuHandler() {
      * a RowContextClickHandler : this.addRowContextClickHandler(new RowContextClickHandler() {

      Each ListGrid has her own dataSource with autofetch.
      DataSource content 20 fields and type is : RestDataSource XML
      And all have a @Override on transformResponse : protected void transformResponse(DSResponse response, DSRequest request, Object data) {

      I had made no change in my source code, but the result for fetch all this 90 ListGrids is very slower (5min) with r810 and faster (1min) with r807. Why ?...


        Hi Immobilia,
        There are a number of changes between the builds. It's difficult for us to know what's causing the problem in your particular case without seeing it happen.

        It would be best if you can attach your source code for the page so we can try to reproduce the slowness on our end and see where it's coming from.
        If you can simplify your code down to something we can run without modification on our end that would make resolving this much quicker.

        Isomorphic Software


          Hy, thank you for your help, but with new version (r814), there is no problem anymore. The render time is same as r807.

