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    SmartGWT unit testing with Qunit/jQuery and phantomJS?

    Hi Isomorphic,

    We have a web application that uses jQuery and SmartGWT/GWT. The jQuery stuff has tests written in Qunit/jQuery, and they run on phantomJS, continuously integrated with maven build. I am planning to write tests for SmartGWT now. Since we already have a test framework setup for Qunit/jQuery and phantomsJS, I was wondering if you recommend using the same framework for SmartGWT/GWT unit testing? Do you see any challenges with this approach? If you don't recommend it, could you explain in a nut shell, why not, and what are your recommendations otherwise?

    GWT produces obfuscated JavaScript, so you wouldn't be able to call any of your GWT Java code from Qunit, meaning this would be a very bad idea.

    So our recommendations would be to stick to the approaches we cover in the Automated Testing overview instead.

    Note that, if you are comfortable enough in JavaScript that you'd prefer to write unit tests that way, you should probably be using SmartClient, not SmartGWT.

