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    limiting tilegrid drop to certain other tilegrids

    Is it possible to limit which tilegrids accept drop from other tilegrids. I don't mean blanket no drop or no drag, but stop records from tilegrid 1 from being dropped into tilegrid 3, while allowing drop from tilegrid 1 to tilegrid 2, and from tilegrid 2 to tilegrid 3.

    Here's the context if it helps.
    I have three tilegrids on one page: an inventory of widgets that can be dragged from, a dashboard where inventory widgets are dropped into and a recycling bin where widgets from the dashboard can be dragged out of the dashboard or back into the dashboard. All three can be dragged out of and the dashboard and recycling bin can be dropped into, however I don't want to drag items from the inventory and drop them into the recycling bin.