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    Hover and plotting issue for data with negative values

    We are using SmartClient version : v9.0p_2013-09-2/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-09-22)3

    Our issue is while plotting negative values along our positive values.The hover is also not working correctly. Our bars are stacked and i have attached 2 examples for the same.

    code for getting hover data:-

    VLayout layout = null;
    DrawnValue nearestDrawnValue = getNearestDrawnValue();
    if (nearestDrawnValue != null && nearestDrawnValue.getRecord() != null
    && chartConfiguration != null && chartConfiguration.getLength() > 0) {
    layout = createVLayoutForHover();

    Map nearestDrawnMap = nearestDrawnValue.getRecord().toMap();

    for (int chartConfCounter = 0; chartConfCounter < this.chartConfiguration.getLength(); chartConfCounter++) {
    Object attributeDisplayValue = nearestDrawnMap.get(key);
    htmlFlow = new HTMLFlow(chartConfiguration.get(i).getAttributeAsString(
    + " : " + attributeDisplayValue);
    Attached Files
    Last edited by mchoudhary; 23 Apr 2014, 01:39.

    Sorry, we cannot debug screenshots. You will need to provide instructions to reproduce the issue.

    You should also update to a more recent patched build.

