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    REST Service Approach (pushing JSON from third party to SGWT server ?)

    SGWT Power 3.0p (2012-06-30)
    GWT 2.2
    FF 5.0

    I have a third party which wants to connect to my SGWT REST service .

    The data which the third party is passing is potentially complex, so I'm thinking we should use a JSON string in its HTTP request.
    I recall seeing some docs about this being a security issue. Can you confirm best practice in this regard (with emphasis on SGWT )?
    The intention is to parse through the third party request, validate , process, respond.

    Is this use case relevant to the built it RestHandler servlet. I'm not sure as this servlet seems to require the JSON in a standard format to support the possible CRUD operations whilst what I want to accomplish is to validate,process and respond without necessarily writing to any datasources in order to achieve same.

    My initial thoughts :
    1. extend the HttpServlet
    2. If including the JSON string as part of the request isn't a show stopper(based on your response) the we deserialize the string into its internal structure (using GSon APIs)
    3. Perform business rules
    4. Respond to client

    Please point me to the appropriate docs OR suggest better approach.
    Last edited by richardwasim; 20 Mar 2013, 08:44.

    A JSON string in a request is not a security issue per se. A JSON response from a server is a potential XSS vulnerability (see this post for background), which is why such responses should be wrapped in some text that would make the response as a whole invalid JSON; RESTHandler already does this.

    If you want to create some kind of custom operation for this third party, you could just declare this as an operationType:"custom". It would be automatically accessible via RESTHandler using the RestDataSource protocol, and you'd be done; no need for your steps 1-4 at all.


      Thank for the response. Will give your approach a try. At least I have two approaches now.

