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    The import cannot be resolved


    I am trying to use SmartGWT in an existing GWT project for creating some list grids. Unfortunally I am getting some errors when I try to compile the project with maven and I have no idea how to fix it. I have tried everything the whole day but without success. I would appreciate any help, you are my last chance.

    SmartClient Version: v8.3_2012-11-20/LGPL Development Only (built 2012-11-20)
    Browser: Firefox 19.0.2

    <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 1.6//EN"
    <module rename-to="app">
        <!-- smartgwt -->
        <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwt"/>
        <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
        <inherits name='' />
        <inherits name=''/> 
        <inherits name=""/>
        <inherits name="" />
        <inherits name="org/jboss/bpm/monitor/gui/Monitor"/>
        <inherits name="org.jboss.errai.common.ErraiCommon"/>
        <inherits name="org.jboss.errai.bus.ErraiBus" />
        <inherits name="org.jboss.errai.workspaces.ErraiWorkspaces" />
        <!-- reporting -->
        <inherits name='' />
        <!-- mvc4g -->
        <inherits name='com.mvc4g.Mvc4gModule'/>    
        <!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
        <entry-point class="org.jboss.bpm.console.client.ErraiApplication" />
        <!-- development only -->
        <servlet path="/xhp" class="jmaki.xhp.XmlHttpProxyServlet"/>
        <!-- Specify a css to load into your gwt application -->
        <stylesheet src="console.css"/>
    Maven output:
    [INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.smartgwt.SmartGwt'
    [INFO]    [WARN] Setting configuration property named document.compatMode in com.smartgwt.SmartGwt that has not been previously defined.  This may be disallowed in the future.
    [INFO] Compiling module org.jboss.bpm.console.Application
    [INFO]    Validating newly compiled units
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/util/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 27: The import cannot be resolved
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 252: The method convertToJavaScriptDate(Date) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 600: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 608: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 611: The method toJavaScriptDate() from the type LogicalDate refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 613: The method toJavaScriptDate() from the type LogicalTime refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 615: The method createJavaScriptDate(double) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 780: The method convertToJavaScriptDate(Date) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 786: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 787: The method getJSLogicalDate(int, int, int) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 789: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 793: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 798: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 815: The method convertToJavaScriptDate(Date) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/util/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 3: The import cannot be resolved
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 25: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/widgets/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 843: The method convertToJavaScriptDate(Date) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/widgets/form/fields/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 4168: The method convertToJavaScriptDate(Date) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/util/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 3: The import cannot be resolved
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 25: JsDate cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/core/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 411: The method convertToJavaScriptDate(Date) from the type JSOHelper refers to the missing type JsDate
    [INFO]       [WARN] Warnings in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-mosaic/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-mosaic-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic/ui/client/impl/'
    [INFO]          [WARN] Line 52: Referencing deprecated class ''
    [INFO]          [WARN] Line 60: Referencing deprecated class ''
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/util/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 3: The import cannot be resolved
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 8: CustomFieldSerializer cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 23: The method deserializeInstance(SerializationStreamReader, LogicalTime) of type LogicalTime_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 28: The method hasCustomInstantiateInstance() of type LogicalTime_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 33: The method instantiateInstance(SerializationStreamReader) of type LogicalTime_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 38: The method serializeInstance(SerializationStreamWriter, LogicalTime) of type LogicalTime_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-mosaic/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-mosaic-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic/ui/client/table/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 553: No source code is available for type org.gwt.beansbinding.core.client.PropertyResolutionException; did you forget to inherit a required module?
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/m2/com/smartgwt/smartgwt/3.1/smartgwt-3.1.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/util/'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 3: The import cannot be resolved
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 8: CustomFieldSerializer cannot be resolved to a type
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 23: The method deserializeInstance(SerializationStreamReader, LogicalDate) of type LogicalDate_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 28: The method hasCustomInstantiateInstance() of type LogicalDate_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 33: The method instantiateInstance(SerializationStreamReader) of type LogicalDate_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Line 38: The method serializeInstance(SerializationStreamWriter, LogicalDate) of type LogicalDate_CustomFieldSerializer must override or implement a supertype method
    [INFO]    Finding entry point classes
    [INFO]       [ERROR] Unable to find type 'com.smartgwt.client.SmartGwtEntryPoint'
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type unavailable
    [INFO]          [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not be adding its source path entries properly

    You might be on a very old core GWT version. We recommend GWT 2.5.1.


      Indeed I am using GWT 2.0.4. I switched to 2.5.1 and the errors still remain there. I assume that there might be a conflicting maven dependency, but I have no idea which it could be.

