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    ListGrid Dynamic Grouping - multiple group by fields

    SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-01-06/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2011-01-06)


    I have a ListGrid with 3 hidden fields used for Dynamic Grouping. Each field for grouping has ListGridField.setHidden(true) so you cannot see the grouping data in the ListGrid.

    When I turn on Dynamic Grouping for this ListGrid, we see a 3 level nested Tree where each Title node is the name of the group. Exactly what I was expecting, however, the actual data nodes within the 3 level nested tree do not align with the 3rd level of the nested Title node? The data nodes are aligned all the way to the left of the ListGrid.

    Is this a CSS issue?

    Our app is skinned. In a different part of the app, using a TreeGrid, the nesting levels are aligned properly with the nesting levels.

    Can you show a screenshot of what you're seeing? Ideally annotated with what you were hoping for.

    We're not sure if by "data nodes" you meant normal records. The data value in the first column is not indented to match the indent on the group, and this is by design. Any column might appear on the left and it makes no particular sense that it would appear indented.


      In the attached image, I've had to black out the data, but you'll get the idea. Starting from the top, the first 3 records are shown are the expanded 'folder' nodes, and the 4th record is the regular data node. See how the data node does not vertically align with the parent 'folder' node text? The data node text is aligned all the way to the left. Is this expected?
      Attached Files


        Yes, that's expected - as we mentioned, it often does not make sense to indent whatever field happens to be on the left. Imagine if, for example, it's a numeric field - it's clearly not part of the hierarchy.


          That field actually belongs in the hierarchy. It is a member of all the folders above?


            We're not sure what that question means - if you look at the groupTree, a Record which appears in a group is a child of the groupNode in that Tree, and it's in the groupMembers array of the groupNode.

