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    Change in behavior for wide ListGrid - 3.0p to 3.1p

    I have a ListGrid which contains a single column. That column contains a text string - the grid is being used a crude, scrollable log viewer. The initial lines which are added to the grid contain text which is wider than the visible widget, so a horizontal scrollbar appears.

    In SmartGWT-3.0p the grid appears with the horizontal scrollbar set to the left, which is correct - the user can see the start of the line and only needs to scroll right if they want to see the end of it.

    In SmartGWT-3.1p, up to and including the nightly build of 22nd Jan, the grid appears with the horizontal scrollbar set to the middle of the widget, which in my case is annoying - the user can't read any of the log lines without first scrolling the widget to the left.

    If this was a deliberate change, what's the way to start the grid off with the left most side of it visible? I tried a ListGrid.scrollLeft() at widget creation time but it made no difference.