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    Version mismatch for RTM module

    i am using SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-05-07/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-05-07) on IE8 and the RTM module for the same edition.

    The gwt.xml file looks like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module rename-to='logsactionsall'>

    <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
    <inherits name='' />

    <!-- for debugging with CTRL-D -->
    <inherits name=""></inherits>
    <inherits name=""/>
    <inherits name="com.smartgwtpower.SmartGwtPower"/>
    <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterprise.Enterprise" />
    <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterprise.EnterpriseResources" />
    <inherits name="com.smartgwt.RealtimeMessaging" />

    <!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
    <entry-point class=''<some_class_name>' />

    <!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->
    <source path='client' />
    <source path='shared' />

    <extend-configuration-property name="rpc.blacklist"
    value="*Collection" />

    However on the interface the RTM functionality does not work and I get the warning message:
    14:04:32.053:WARN:Log:SmartClient module version mismatch detected: This application is loading the core module from SmartClient version 'v8.3p_2013-05-07/PowerEdition Deployment' and additional modules from 'v8.3p_2013-05-07'. Mixing resources from different SmartClient packages is not supported and may lead to unpredictable behavior. If you are deploying resources from a single package you may need to clear your browser cache, or restart your browser.

    Please could you advise ?

    Many thanks in advance.

    This warning should be safe to ignore. We've made a change to avoid it showing up spuriously in builds going forward. We apologize for the inconvenience on that.

    You also mention that the RTM functionality isn't working for you. There may be a number of configuration issues etc at fault here - we can't comment unless you can be more specific on what is going wrong when you attempt to use it

    Isomorphic Software


      Thanks Isomorphic, as long as we can ignore this message, everything is fine.

      Best regards

