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    Bug in Databound Dragging

    This bug is very easy to reproduce because it happens in the Smart GWT Showcase.

    SmartGWT version: 5.0p
    Browser: Google Chrome 43.0.2357.130 m

    Step-by-step bug reproduction:

    1 - Go to the "Databound Dragging" example in the showcase.

    2 - In the right grid, right-click the "Name" column header and then click "Group by Name".

    3 - In the left grid, drag a person that is NOT already in the right grid to the right grid. For example, "Fa Bai".

    4 - Smart GWT displays a warning message "Duplicates not allowed", even though there are no duplicates.

    Thanks for pointing this out - it's been fixed for builds dated July 3 and later.

