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    ISC_Grids.js prevents edits in IE8

    We encountered an issue where users are unable to edit grids in IE8. Please see our solution below and analyze the appropriate way to correct product.

    1.SmartClient version 'v9.1p_2014-07-22/Enterprise Deployment'

    2. IE8

    3. N/A

    4. N/A

    5. N/A

    6. Sample code if applicable:

    In ISC_Grids.js line 32407, this.getFields().length is undefined in if statement, causing the grid to fail.

    We made a local hot fix by adding a check for its existence before grabbing the length of that object.

    . Isomophic please do research on why this.getFileds() returned undefined in IE8.

    hideField : function (fields, suppressRelayout) {
    arguments.__this = this;

    var noFields = true,
    allHidden = true;

    if (!isc.isAn.Array(fields)) {
    fields = [fields];
    // we shuffle some stored colNums around on edit items - store out the index of each field
    // being hidden in an array to make this easier.
    var hiddenFieldNums = [];

    if (this.getFields() && fields.length == this.getFields().length) {
    // can't hide the last bunch of fields
    this.logWarn("Attempt to hide all fields in one call - disallowed.");

    Sorry, there is no way to 'do research' on a condition that does not occur in any of our tests.

    What we need instead is a way to reproduce the problem, which will then clarify if it is a usage issue in your code or a framework bug we can fix.

