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    delete a event from Timeline and other issues

    Hi, everybody!

    1.- I'm not finding a icon or a button for close o delete a event from a timeline widget, as in the calendar widget (see calendarEvent.png and timelineEvent.png attach). Can anyone tell me if is possible to remove event from the timeline widget? if yes, how to do it? if not, how I could handle removal event from the timeline widget?

    2.- Is possible to drag and drop a records (calendar Events) into timeline? if yes, how to do it? if not, how I can simulate it?

    3.- When I recreate the Simple Timeline (, i find the following problems:
    3.1 The events from timeline doesn't have a borders (see timelineView.png attach).
    3.2 i have create a example of testStylle CSS
     (.testStyle  { background-color:#FF0000;color:#FF0000;font-size:15pt; }
    into css file, but the events referencied never change. I think the application does't read the css file because it never applied anywhere. How to make it read the css?

    Can anyone help me?

    Browser: firefox 20.0 for ubuntu.
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v9.0d_2013-06-08/LGPL Development Only (built 2013-06-08)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by calowensnay; 9 Jun 2013, 03:49.

    For the 3.2, the css works if it's inserted into HTML file, but not from css external file.

