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    StaticTextItem and DateTime field


    I've got a problem with date formatting on DynamicForm.
    DataSource has a DataSourceDateTimeField and in form I'm using StaticTextItem to display it but only date is showing.

    I can set a formatter on form / field by setDatetimeFormatter() but only options available are locale dependent like TOEUROPEANSHORTDATETIME. There is no universal option like toNormalDateTime.

    How can I force showing date with time but in browsers locale like ?

    When I set formatter on this field in others locale date has two different formats which is misleading to users.
    And I don't want to lose functionality of showing date time in users locale.

    Why on ListGrid connected to this DS this field is showing properly with date and time but on DynamicForm it's not?
    I don't see consequence in this.

    Best regards
    Mariusz Goch