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    Drop record on another record, Listgrid&Treegrid


    I need some hints. I have one listgrid and one treegrid. Dragging a record from listgrid to treegrid is triggering a fetch operation on treegrid. This is working well when i drop record on some "empty/not used" space of the treegrid (not on a record). But when the treegrid already have some records in it and there is no more "empty" space, then no FolderDropEvent is fired and therefore also no fetch.

    Is it possible to achieve to trigger this fetch on treegrid, even when user drop record on another record in treegrid ? Hope you understand, what i mean :)

    Thank you for your help

    We're not quite following this from your description.
    If you haven't already, we'd recommend you look at the relevant examples in the Showcases (the "Drag & Drop Databinding" folder in the Enterprise Edition Showcase, and the "Drag and Drop" examples under the LGPL Showcase), and be sure to look up the referenced APIs in JavaDoc in order to make sense of exactly how these properties behave.

    If you still can't get the behavior you're after, your best bet would be to show us a very small test case we can run ourselves which demonstrates the problem you are facing along with a description of how you're expecting things to work. This should make it clear exactly what you're after and allow us to respond more fully.

    Isomorphic Software

