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    Tile Grid with check box

    Hi All,
    I used tile grid for showing up the articles and also i have to attach a check box with each article. When I move over the mouse to the next article the selection of the previous article check box is lost. I have to maintain the selection when the mouse is moved over any area on the screen...

    Were you planning to post some more details? Clearly no one can help you with just what you've posted..


      final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='articleTile'>");

      stringBuilder.append("<div class='context'>");
      final CheckBox cbbb=new CheckBox();
      cbbb.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() {

      public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      stringBuilder.append(cbbb).append("<div class='icon-product'>").append("<div class='icon ").append(getProductTypeClass(record)).append("'></div>").append("</div>");
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='divider'>|</div>");
      if (record.getAttributeAsInt("mmioutletid") == 0) {
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='icon-star'>");
      } else {
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='icon-star icon-star-gold'>");

      stringBuilder.append("<i class='fa fa-star'></i></div>");
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='outletName'>").append(defaultIfNullAttribute("source", record)).append("</div>");

      final String author = record.getAttribute("author");

      if (author != null && author.trim().length() > 0) {
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='divider'>|</div>");
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='authorName'>").append(record.getAttribute("author")).append("</div>");

      stringBuilder.append("<div class='divider'>|</div>");
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='harvestDate'>").append(DateUtil.format(record.getAttributeAsDate("harvesttime"), "d-MMM-YYYY")).append("</div>");

      stringBuilder.append("<div class='divider'>|</div>");
      stringBuilder.append("<div class=''>").append("<i class='fa fa-copy' title='Syndicates'></i> ").append(record.getAttributeAsInt("syndicateCount"));

      stringBuilder.append("<div class='headline'><a target='_blank' href='").append(record.getAttribute("articleurl")).append("'>").append(defaultIfNullAttribute("headline", record)).append("</a></div>");
      stringBuilder.append("<div class='content'>").append(getContent(record)).append("</div>");

      return stringBuilder.toString();


        Ok... That's a bunch of code to generate HTML. Of course there's not enough information here to determine what HTML it generates, or what was intended to happen when a user clicks on your links..

        It looks like for a lot of hands-on assistance with just general development work - for that, please use our Consulting services.

        As far as submitting issues to Support, let us know if you can produce a minimal, ready-to-run test case that demonstrates a framework problem.


          I have to create like this. There are more than 10 articles in page with this layout. I used tile grid for displaying this layout. Also i want to add a checkbox infront of this layout. If a checkbox is selected for the selected for the first article manually, when i right click on that article tile grid, that check box selection is lost. And also after selecting the check box of the first article when i move over the mouse to the next article the selection of the check box gets lost.
          Attached Files


            Once again, we have nowhere near enough information to help you with this.

            Your options are:
            1. Work with our Consulting team, who can analyze your complete code, and rewrite it for you to use a better approach


            2. If working with Support, show a test case that demonstrates an issue with the framework, and if such an issue exists we'll immediately solve it for you.

