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    Listgrid filterEditor

    I'm using latest nightly build of smartgwt pro 2.5
    The problem is with date filter in ListGrid.
    When I click on calendar icon, I get simple calendar instead of Date range window.
    When I switch back to smargwt 2.4 everything is ok.

    The second thing is, when I get Date range filter window, the black transparent background behind this window is not covering whole screen when the screen resolution is more than 1600x1200. This behavior is specific for IE8, in FF and Chrome it's ok.

    I can confirm the first problem as well. Date range window does not appear, just a calendar.


      See DataSource.willHandleAdvancedCriteria. Because the server connectors in Pro do not handle advanced criteria by default, you need to set this property to advise components that they can create AdvancedCriteria. This causes the ListGrid's filterEditor to choose either a DataRangeItem (if AdvancedCriteria are supported) or DateItem (if they are not).

      As far as not covered the whole screen, this was fixed a while ago.

