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    Filter expressions: and/or logic in text fields with default operator

    I would like to be able to do and/or logic in text filter fields, using a default operator. For example the following would give all records which have east or west in their name:

    east or west

    as no operator is specificied the default operator of the text field should be used (iContains for example).

    is this possible in a latest nightly? Or what can I override to accomplish this behavior?

    gr. Martin

    This seems to be the same as the allowExpressions feature? If not, can you explain in detail how it's different?

    Note you can override getCriterion() on FormItem to have a FormItem that has a custom approach for how it parses it's value and returns criteria.


      Yes, or override parseValueExpressions, I see that the or/and are only allowed for numeric/date fields and not for text fields. So I need to completely override the parseValueExpressions method.

      Is there a change that it will somehow be made parameterizable to specify which field types can support or/and?
      (I think I asked this before but could not find the answer)

      gr. Martin


        This is not something we want to implement because the user may be searching for the literal text "a or b". If you're OK with this ambiguity, or you have a different approach that would make it unambiguous, an override of getCriterion() is the supported approach.

