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    moveOffscreen method issue


    in 8.2p (2012/01/24) LGPL, the Layout._moveOffscreen() method now delegates to the moveOffscreen()
    static method in the Canvas class but that static method references attributes thru the 'this' accessor ...

    I believe the following code :
    moveOffscreen : function (member) {
        if (member.isDrawn()) return;
        var moveOffscreen = (!(!isc.Browser.isWin && isc.Browser.isMoz && 
                               this.showCustomScrollbars == false && 
                               (this.overflow == isc.Canvas.AUTO))); 
        if (moveOffscreen) member.moveTo(null, -9999);
    should instead read as follows :
    moveOffscreen : function (member) {
        if (member.isDrawn()) return;
        var moveOffscreen = (!(!isc.Browser.isWin && isc.Browser.isMoz && 
                               member.showCustomScrollbars == false && 
                               (member.overflow == isc.Canvas.AUTO))); 
        if (moveOffscreen) member.moveTo(null, -9999);
    Please let me know when this is fixed and available so I can update to the latest build.


    Can anymore confirm this as being an issue ? or not ...

    If acknowledged as an issue, was it fixed in a subsequent 8.2p build ? If not already fixed, will it be, and when ?



      Good catch. We'll fix this in 8.2p and 8.3d today (so the fix will show up in the next nightly).
      Out of curiosity - what impact was this having on your app? Presumably seeing things would flash up drawn in the wrong position before moving into place or similar?
      Last edited by Isomorphic; 2 Feb 2012, 11:43.


        I don't remember exactly how I ended up finding this one. I believe I was hunting down
        a Layout positioning issue, but can't exactly recall what it was.

        Having found that problem, I worked my way around it by using a completely different
        approach which didn't involve that method being called in the first place.

        Sorry I couldn't assist further, but thanks for fixing it, I'm sure it would have caused
        some issues sooner or later.

