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    visual bug for selectItems in IE9

    there is one small visual bug for selectItems for the IE9. The bug occurs if the selectItem contains enough items, so that the scrollbar of the picklist appears. While scrolling through the picklist, there're appearing lines on the scrollbar, which sometimes make it hard to read the items.
    Here is the example code for which the bugs does occur.
        width: 500,
        fields: [{
            name: "shipTo", title: "Ship to", type: "select",
            valueMap: {
    I'm using smartclient version "v8.3p_2013-04-12"

    Thanks in advance

    What do you mean "lines in the scrollbar"? A screenshot would help.


      Here is the screenshot, should have attached it with my first post
      Attached Files


        This doesn't happen for us, and it's clear from your screenshot this is some kind of native rendering issue, because the dotted lines are probably remnants of the focus outline, something SmartClient isn't even responsible for drawing.

        Best guess, you may need to update your video driver, or if you are running IE in an unusual way (eg WINE under Linux, or remote desktop, etc.) that might be the cause.


          my OS is Win7 so i don't think that i'm running the IE in an unusual way.
          I also updated my video driver and it hasn't changed anything. The lines are still appearing. Any other guesses?


            Could be a browser extension, or the specific OS-level patches you have installed, a side effect of your OS theme, etc.

            Let us know if you find clear conditions for reproducing it.


              i'd like to give you an update about the current state of the issue.
              Not only we're able to reproduce this bug but our customers too.

              Because of that i think it's unlikely that this bug occurs only for some specific OS-settings.
              We would appreciate it if you could have a look at this bug again.

              Thanks in advance


                We still need some way to reproduce this, because its not happening for us. Let us know if you can isolate an environment in which this occurs.

