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    Composite Foreign Keys?

    I don't see any examples of Parent/Child or Master/Detail using nested grids or grid.fetchRelatedData in the showcase where the relationship is defined by composite keys.

    Perhaps I'm missing something.

    If such a capability exists, can someone point me to specs or examples, and if it does not exist, how easy is the capability to expose or sponsor?

    We advertise support for only single primaryKeys and show you how you could create a single-field primaryKey value dynamically for client-side use in the doc for DataSourceField.primaryKey.

    In reality, many but not all components support multi-field keys if you just mark more than one field as a primary key. In particular the tree does not.

    You could sponsor the capability of the DataSource to essentially form a single composite key automatically. You would then have an API like DataSource.getPKValue(Record) to be able to get the generated key value for use with APIs that take a singular PK value.


      Great reply, as per usual. Thanks for the help.


        (Sorry...meant to post this standalone.)


          Isomorphic stated:

          "In reality, many but not all components support multi-field keys if you just mark more than one field as a primary key. In particular the tree does not."

          Then is the 'tree' the only exception, or are there others?

          A full list of components that support multiple keys would be useful. That way if I am only using those components then calling 'transformResponse' to create a composite key would not be necessary.

          Does such a list exist? If not how do can I find out what components support multi-field keys and what do not?



            To clarify, no components "support" multiple primary keys in the sense of it being an API that is documented or where it would be valid to report a bug against it. The only supported approach is a single primary key.


              An update: as of SmartGWT 3.1, composite primary keys are now officially supported, but still not recommended, and are still not supported for Trees with modelType:"parent", where a singular unique value per node is still required.

