16:00:39.868:INFO:Log:initialized 16:00:39.885:WARN:Log:NOTE: Firebug is enabled. Firebug greatly slows the performance of applications that make heavy use of JavaScript. Isomorphic highly recommends Firebug for troubleshooting, but Firebug and other development tools should be disabled when assessing the real-world performance of SmartClient applications. 16:00:40.237:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'EditPane' collides with ID of existing Class object '[DataSource ID:EditPane]'. Existing object will be replaced. This conflict would be avoided by disabling ISC Simple Names mode. See documentation for further information. 16:00:40.484:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded 16:00:40.523:XRP3:WARN:Log:ReferenceError: path is not defined unnamed() [c]Class.evaluate(_1=>" ..."[ 11071], _2=>null, _3=>true) [c]Class.globalEvalWithCapture(_1=>" ..."[ 11071], _2=>function (_9, _10), _3=>{Obj}) ViewLoader._loadViewReply({Obj}, {Obj}, " ..."[ 11071]) anonymous({Obj}, " ..."[ 11071], {Obj}) [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"if(window.isc_generatorView)isc_generat..."[ 83], _2=>"rpcResponse,data,rpcRequest", _3=>[object Array], _4=>{Obj}, _5=>undef) [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"if(window.isc_generatorView)isc_generat..."[ 83], _2=>"rpcResponse,data,rpcRequest", _3=>[object Array]) [c]RPCManager.fireReplyCallback(_1=>"if(window.isc_generatorView)isc_generat..."[ 83], _2=>{Obj}, _3=>{Obj}, _4=>" ..."[ 11071]) [c]RPCManager.fireReplyCallbacks(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>{Obj}) [c]RPCManager.performOperationReply(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>{Obj}) RPCManager._performTransactionReply(0) [c]RPCManager.performTransactionReply(_1=>0, _2=>" ..."[ 11071], _3=>undef) anonymous(0, [object XMLHttpRequest]) [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc.RPCManager.performTransactionReply(..."[ 67], _2=>"transactionNum,results,wd", _3=>[object Array]) [c]Comm.performXmlTransactionReply(_1=>0, _2=>[object XMLHttpRequest]) anonymous([object XMLHttpRequest]) [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc.Comm.performXmlTransactionReply(0, ..."[ 56], _2=>"xmlHttpRequest", _3=>[object Array], _4=>[object Proxy], _5=>true) Comm._fireXMLCallback([object XMLHttpRequest], "isc.Comm.performXmlTransactionReply(0, ..."[ 56]) unnamed([object Event]) unnamed() @ 16:00:40.523:XRP3:WARN:Log:firing the callback from global eval with... 16:00:40.523:XRP3:WARN:Log:viewLoader is:[ViewLoader ID:isc_generatorView] 16:00:40.523:XRP3:WARN:ViewLoader:isc_generatorView:ViewLoader received bad response: " // This file contains the UI window for the Batch DataSource Generator isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "isc_generatorForm", autoDraw: false, margin: 10, numCols: 3, colWidths: [220, 190, 190], fields: [ { type: "blurb", showTitle: false, colSpan: 3, wrap: true, defaultValue: "This tool can generate DataSource definitions from existing database tables, Hibernate " + "mappings and Java classes, and save them into your project datasource folder (" + path + ").

" + "The tool can output XML or JSON, and it can also extract test data from your existing " + "database tables. For full details of all the options, including instructions on how " + "to run the tool in pure batch mode, look at file tools/batchDSGenerator.jsp. This is " + "the source code to the tool, and has been designed specifically for you to amend to " + "suit your needs." }, { name: "dbName", title: "Database", type: "select", disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: dbName, changed : function (form, item, value) { if (form.useTableList()) { form.fetchTableList(value); } } }, { name: "schemaName", title: "Schema name (if required)", type: "text", disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: schemaName }, { name: "dbLink", linkTitle: "Add new database configuration", visible: !disableFields, showTitle: false, defaultValue: "adminConsole.jsp", _constructor: "LinkItem" }, { name: "tableNameOptions", showTitle: false, type: "RadioGroupItem", valueMap: { "select": "Select Tables", "text": "Enter Table-names" }, defaultValue: "select", vertical: false, changed : function (form, item, value) { if (value == "select") { form.getItem("tableNameText").hide(); form.getItem("tableNameSelect").show(); } else { form.getItem("tableNameSelect").hide(); form.getItem("tableNameText").show(); } } }, { name: "tableNameSelect", showTitle: false, title: "Select table-names", type: "select", width: 340, disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: (tableName.length > 1 ? tableName : null), multiple: true, colSpan: 2, icons: [ { name: "refreshTableList", src: "[SKINIMG]actions/refresh.png", prompt: "Refresh List", click : function (form, item, icon) { form.fetchTableList(); } } ] }, { name: "tableNameText", showTitle: false, title: "List of Table names (comma-separated)", type: "text", width: 340, disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: (tableName.length > 1 ? tableName : null), colSpan: 2 }, { name: "className", title: "List of class names (comma-separated)", type: "text", width: 340, disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: className, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "puName", title: "JPA persistence unit name", type: "text", width: 340, disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: puName, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "outputFormat", title: "Output Format", type: "radioGroup", vertical: false, width: 60, valueMap: {xml: "XML", js: "JSON"}, disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: outputFormat, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "overwrite", title: "Overwrite files if they exist", type: "boolean", disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: overwrite, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "dumpTestData", title: "Also extract table data", type: "boolean", disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: dumpTestData, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "returnSQLType", title: "Include 'sqlType' property on fields retrieved from database metadata", type: "boolean", disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: returnSQLType, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "timestampsAsDates", title: 'Treat JDBC TIMESTAMP columns as type "date" (ignore time value)', type: "boolean", disabled: disableFields, defaultValue: timestampsAsDates, colSpan: 2 }, { name: "ok", title: "OK", type: "button", width: 80, visible: !disableFields, click: function (form, item) { var props = form.getValuesAsCriteria(), isSelect = form.useTableList(); for (var propName in props) { if (propName == "tableNameText" || propName == "tableNameSelect" || propName == "className") { if (isc.isA.String(props[propName])) props[propName] = props[propName].split(","); // Trim whitespace off the individual table/class names for (var i = 0; i < props[propName].length; i++) { props[propName][i] = props[propName][i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') } if (propName != "className") { if ((propName == "tableNameSelect" && isSelect) || !isSelect) props["tableName"] = props[propName]; props[propName] = null; } } } // Let the batch generator know that we came from the UI props.fromUI = true; isc.HTMLFlow.create({ ID: "isc_generatorResults", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); isc_generatorResults.setContentsURL(requestURL, props); } } ], initWidget : function () { this.Super("initWidget", arguments); if (this.useTableList()) { this.getItem("tableNameSelect").show(); this.getItem("tableNameText").hide(); } }, useTableList : function () { return (this.getValue("tableNameOptions") == "select"); }, fetchTableList : function (value) { if (!value) value = this.getValue("dbName"); if (value) { isc.DMI.call("isc_builtin","com.isomorphic.tools.BuiltinRPC","getTables", "sql", value, true,true, null, this.getValue("schemaName"), null,null, this.getID()+".fetchTableListReply(data)" ); } }, fetchTableListReply : function (data) { if (!this.useTableList()) return; if (isc.isAn.Array(data)) data = data.sortByProperty("TABLE_NAME", true); var entries = data.getProperty("TABLE_NAME"), item = this.getItem("tableNameSelect"); item.setValueMap(entries); } }); " 16:00:45.541:WARN:Timer:timer ID:$ir4 fired during eval thread lasting more than 5000ms. Thread may have caused an error and failed to complete. Allowing delayed action to fire.