Interface JavaModuleDependencies

public interface JavaModuleDependencies

Java Module Dependencies

Maven users should generally refer to the POMs bundled with the SDK, and installed for them by the official Isomorphic plugin for Maven. For others, the following is a description of what functionality is contained in each Smart GWT JAR file, and which other Smart GWT JARs and third party libraries are required to enable that functionality. Note that actual filenames in WEB-INF/lib will typically contain the version number of the library, whereas the library names below simply list the base name.

All of the libraries that Smart GWT depends upon have either an Apache 1.0 or Apache 2.0 license, with the following exceptions:
1. Optional Hibernate support requires LGPL-licensed .jars from Hibernate
2. Optional bean annotation support requires an implementation of javax.persistence.jar. This is available from several providers - for example, SpringSource, Hibernate or the Glassfish project. The licensing of this library varies by provider.
3. Optional support for Java as a JSR223 server-side scripting language is provided by software developed by Isomorphic, but based on the "java-engine" package, originally developed by Sun. See SunNotice.

If you are using GWT, GWT itself also has an Apache 2.0 license, however tools and test environments that you may use during development have different license (such as Eclipse - Eclipse Public License). Also, specific GWT widgets, not required by Smart GWT, have licenses different from core GWT (such as JFreeChart's LGPL license). See Google's summary of terms for details.