11:37:57.597:INFO:Log:initialized 11:37:57.606:WARN:Log:NOTE: Firebug is enabled. Firebug greatly slows the performance of applications that make heavy use of JavaScript. Isomorphic highly recommends Firebug for troubleshooting, but Firebug and other development tools should be disabled when assessing the real-world performance of SmartClient applications. 11:37:58.576:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:adding newMembers: [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] at position: 0 11:37:58.577:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:adding newMembers: [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] at position: 1 11:37:58.577:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:adding newMembers: [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] at position: 2 11:37:58.578:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:adding newMembers: [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] at position: 3 11:37:58.584:INFO:layout:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw): layout specified size: 298w x 26h drawn size: 298w x 26h available size: 298w (length) x 26h [No members] 11:37:58.597:INFO:layout:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw): layout specified size: 298w x 26h drawn size: 298w x 26h available size: 298w (length) x 26h [No members] 11:37:58.603:INFO:layout:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw): layout specified size: 298w x 26h drawn size: 298w x 26h available size: 298w (length) x 26h [No members] 11:37:58.611:INFO:layout:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw): layout specified size: 298w x 26h drawn size: 298w x 26h available size: 298w (length) x 26h [No members] 11:37:58.617:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) 11:37:58.672:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded 11:40:17.497:MDN0:INFO:dragDrop:target is draggable with dragOperation: dragReposition, dragTarget is : [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] (delegated from: [StretchImgButton ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2_background]) 11:40:17.584:MUP1:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:adding newMembers: [Img ID:isc_Img_1] at position: 3 11:40:17.592:MUP1[E]:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_1] 48 drawn length (policyLength: 48) (inherent size) 48 drawn breadth (explicit size) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) 11:40:18.650:MDN5:INFO:dragDrop:target is draggable with dragOperation: dragReposition, dragTarget is : [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] (delegated from: [StretchImgButton ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2_background]) 11:40:18.803:TMR1:INFO:dragDrop:Started dragOperation: dragReposition with dragTarget: [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] dragAppearance: none 11:40:19.729:MUP4:INFO:dragDrop:end of drag interaction 11:40:19.733:MUP4:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: membersReordered): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_1] 48 drawn length (policyLength: 48) (inherent size) 48 drawn breadth (explicit size) 11:40:20.898:MDN3:INFO:dragDrop:target is draggable with dragOperation: dragReposition, dragTarget is : [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] (delegated from: [StretchImgButton ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2_background]) 11:40:21.029:MUP4[E]:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: member changed visibility: [Img ID:isc_Img_1]): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_1] undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden) undefined drawn breadth (undefined) 11:40:21.330:MDN6:INFO:dragDrop:target is draggable with dragOperation: dragReposition, dragTarget is : [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] (delegated from: [StretchImgButton ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3_background]) 11:40:21.409:MUP7:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:adding newMembers: [Img ID:isc_Img_2] at position: 3 11:40:21.422:MUP7[E]:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_2] 48 drawn length (policyLength: 48) (inherent size) 48 drawn breadth (explicit size) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_1] undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden) undefined drawn breadth (undefined) 11:40:22.478:MUP3:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: membersReordered): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_1] undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden) undefined drawn breadth (undefined) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_2] 48 drawn length (policyLength: 48) (inherent size) 48 drawn breadth (explicit size) 11:40:23.325:MUP7:INFO:layout:isc_SectionStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: membersReordered): layout specified size: 300w x 350h drawn size: 300w x 350h available size: 298w x 349h (length) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_0] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_1] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_1] undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden) undefined drawn breadth (undefined) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_3] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [ImgSectionHeader ID:isc_ImgSectionHeader_2] 26 drawn length (resizeLength: 26) (policyLength: 26) (explicit size) 298 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill) [Img ID:isc_Img_2] 48 drawn length (policyLength: 48) (inherent size) 48 drawn breadth (explicit size)