******************* Several countries selected (no IN operator specified) ************************* === 2013-04-15 10:24:40,795 [l0-3] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: { criteria:{ countryId:[ 1, 2 ] }, operationConfig:{ dataSource:"cityIncludeFromSQL", operationType:"fetch", textMatchStyle:"exact" }, startRow:0, endRow:50, componentId:"isc_ListGrid_0", appID:"builtinApplication", operation:"cityIncludeFromSQL_fetch", oldValues:{ countryId:[ 1, 2 ] } } SELECT LIMIT 0 50 city.cityId, city.cityName, city.countryId, country.countryName, continent.continentName AS continent FROM city, country, continent WHERE (((city.countryId = 1) OR (city.countryId = 2))) AND city.countryId = country.countryId AND country.continentId = continent.continentId ******************* No country selected ************************* === 2013-04-15 10:26:28,078 [l0-2] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: { criteria:{ }, operationConfig:{ dataSource:"cityIncludeFromSQL", operationType:"fetch", textMatchStyle:"exact" }, startRow:0, endRow:50, componentId:"isc_ListGrid_0", appID:"builtinApplication", operation:"cityIncludeFromSQL_fetch", oldValues:{ } } SELECT LIMIT 0 50 city.cityId, city.cityName, city.countryId, country.countryName, continent.continentName AS continent FROM city, country, continent WHERE ('1' = '1') AND city.countryId = country.countryId AND country.continentId = continent.continentId **********************Several countries selected with IN operator specified ************************************************ === 2013-04-15 10:29:26,450 [0-12] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: { criteria:{ operator:"and", _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria", criteria:[ { fieldName:"countryId", operator:"inSet", value:[ 1, 2 ] } ] }, operationConfig:{ dataSource:"cityIncludeFromSQL", operationType:"fetch", textMatchStyle:"exact" }, startRow:0, endRow:50, componentId:"isc_ListGrid_0", appID:"builtinApplication", operation:"cityIncludeFromSQL_fetch", oldValues:{ operator:"and", _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria", criteria:[ { fieldName:"countryId", operator:"inSet", value:[ 1, 2 ] } ] } } SELECT LIMIT 0 50 city.cityId, city.cityName, city.countryId, country.countryName, continent.continentName AS continent FROM city, country, continent WHERE (((city.countryId IN (1, 2)) AND city.countryId IS NOT NULL)) AND city.countryId = country.countryId AND country.continentId = continent.continentId