-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; -- -- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'; -- -- Name: uuid-ossp; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp" WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; -- -- Name: EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" IS 'generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)'; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: animals; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE animals ( commonname character varying(255), scientificname character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, lifespan integer, status character varying(255), diet character varying(255), information character varying(1000), picture character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: employeetable; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE employeetable ( userorder integer, name character varying(128), employeeid integer NOT NULL, reportsto integer, job character varying(128), email character varying(128), employeetype character varying(40), employeestatus character varying(40), salary numeric(16,2) DEFAULT 0.0, orgunit character varying(128), gender character varying(7), maritalstatus character varying(10) ); -- -- Name: supplyitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE supplyitem ( itemid uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1() NOT NULL, itemname character varying(128) DEFAULT ''::character varying, sku character varying(10) DEFAULT ''::character varying, description character varying(2000), category character varying(128) DEFAULT ''::character varying, units character varying(5), unitcost numeric(16,2) DEFAULT 0.0, instock character varying(6), nextshipment date ); -- -- Data for Name: animals; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO animals (commonname, scientificname, lifespan, status, diet, information, picture) VALUES ('Elephant (African)', 'Loxodonta africana', 60, 'Threatened', 'Herbivore', 'The African Elephant is the largest of all land animals and also has the biggest brain of any land animal. Both males and females have ivory tusks. Elephants are also wonderful swimmers. Man is the only real enemy of the elephant. Man threatens the elephant by killing it for its tusks and by destroying its habitat.', 'Elephant.jpg'); INSERT INTO animals (commonname, scientificname, lifespan, status, diet, information, picture) VALUES ('Alligator (American)', 'Allligator mississippiensis', 50, 'Not Endangered', 'Carnivore', 'In the 16th century, Spanish explorers in what is now Florida encountered a large formidable animal which they called "el largo" meaning "the lizard". The name "el largo" gradually became pronounced "alligator".', 'Alligator.jpg'); INSERT INTO animals (commonname, scientificname, lifespan, status, diet, information, picture) VALUES ('Anteater', 'Myrmecophaga tridactyla', 25, 'Not Endangered', 'Ground dwelling ants/termites', 'Anteaters can eat up to 35,000 ants daily. Tongue is around 2 feet long and is not sticky but rather covered with saliva. They have very strong sharp claws used for digging up anthills and termite mounds.', 'AntEater.jpg'); -- -- Data for Name: employeetable; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: supplyitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d58f8-118c-11e4-bfb3-28cfe91fb145', 'Pens Stabiliner 808 Ballpoint Fine Black', '58074602', NULL, 'Office Paper Products', 'Ea', 0.24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d6136-118c-11e4-9a18-28cfe91fb145', 'Office Paper Products', '58074604', NULL, 'Pens Stabiliner 808 Ballpoint Fine Blue', 'Ea', 0.24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d66b8-118c-11e4-9dab-28cfe91fb145', 'Office Paper Products', '58074605', NULL, 'Pens Stabiliner 808 Ballpoint Fine Red', 'Ea', 0.24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d6dde-118c-11e4-b6c1-28cfe91fb145', 'Office Paper Products', '58074606', NULL, 'Pens Stabiliner 808 Ballpoint Fine Green', 'Ea', 0.24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d7450-118c-11e4-9250-28cfe91fb145', 'Office Paper Products', '58119902', NULL, 'Pens Stabiliner 808 Ballpoint Medium Black', 'Ea', 0.24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d7932-118c-11e4-b476-28cfe91fb145', 'Office Paper Products', '58119904', NULL, 'Pens Stabiliner 808 Ballpoint Medium Blue', 'Ea', 0.24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d7de2-118c-11e4-8472-28cfe91fb145', 'Spray Adhesives', '951300', NULL, 'Spray Adhesive Multipurpose Can No.76 3M', 'Ea', 12.76, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d830a-118c-11e4-ae3a-28cfe91fb145', 'Rollfix Glue', '1089400', NULL, 'Glue Pelikan Roll-fix Refill Permanent #955', 'Ea', 3.73, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d87b0-118c-11e4-849b-28cfe91fb145', 'Rollfix Glue', '1090500', NULL, 'Glue Pelikan Roll-fix Non Permanent #960', 'Ea', 6.96, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d8c10-118c-11e4-aefe-28cfe91fb145', 'Rollfix Glue', '1091600', NULL, 'Glue Pelikan Roll-fix Refill Non Permanent #965', 'Ea', 3.73, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d9048-118c-11e4-b35a-28cfe91fb145', 'Glue Sticks', '1143600', NULL, 'Glue Stick UHU 21gm', 'Ea', 1.90, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d955c-118c-11e4-9287-28cfe91fb145', 'Bantex Self Adhesive', '1225000', NULL, 'Fastener Hook and Loop Dots 25mm x 1.8M White', 'Ea', 12.07, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d9a66-118c-11e4-b493-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1585500', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 Journal', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091d9ec6-118c-11e4-a059-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1630800', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 Indexed', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091da31c-118c-11e4-9580-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1676100', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 Ledger', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091da772-118c-11e4-bd6e-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1721400', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 Feint', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dabbe-118c-11e4-a311-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1766700', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 Minute Indexed', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091db014-118c-11e4-b02c-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1812000', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 Day', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091db456-118c-11e4-96ab-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1857300', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 3MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091db852-118c-11e4-8117-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1902600', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 4MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dbc8a-118c-11e4-af93-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1947900', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 5MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dc086-118c-11e4-aa00-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '1993200', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 6MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dc4c8-118c-11e4-9d5f-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2038500', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 7MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dc8ec-118c-11e4-9c24-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2083800', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 8MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dce82-118c-11e4-b611-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2129100', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 9MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dd45e-118c-11e4-aa00-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2174400', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 10MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dda6c-118c-11e4-85c7-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2265000', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 12MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091ddf44-118c-11e4-bdc6-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2310300', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 13MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091de6f6-118c-11e4-8660-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2355600', NULL, 'Account Book 168 Page Hardcover A4 14MC', 'Ea', 9.00, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dec78-118c-11e4-ae65-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2627400', NULL, 'Account Book 192 Page Hardcover 297x315mm 24MC', 'Ea', 23.61, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091df4e8-118c-11e4-bf6d-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2672700', NULL, 'Account Book 192 Page Hardcover 297x315mm 27MC', 'Ea', 23.61, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091dfbc8-118c-11e4-ae55-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2718000', NULL, 'Account Book 192 Page Hardcover 297x315mm 32MC', 'Ea', 23.61, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091e024e-118c-11e4-aca9-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2808600', NULL, 'Account Book 192 Page Hardcover 297x420mm 24MC', 'Ea', 25.42, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091e08a2-118c-11e4-b4b8-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2853900', NULL, 'Account Book 192 Page Hardcover 297x420mm 27MC', 'Ea', 25.42, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091e1040-118c-11e4-87ed-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2899200', NULL, 'Account Book 192 Page Hardcover 297x420mm 32MC', 'Ea', 25.42, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091e170c-118c-11e4-9486-28cfe91fb145', 'General Office Products', '2944558', NULL, 'Account Book A24 48 Page Softcover A4 Ledger', 'Ea', 1.26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO supplyitem (itemid, itemname, sku, description, category, units, unitcost, instock, nextshipment) VALUES ('091e1de2-118c-11e4-9982-28cfe91fb145', 'Account Books', '2944563', NULL, 'Account Book A24 48 Page Softcover A4 3MC', 'Ea', 1.26, NULL, NULL); -- -- Name: animals_ui; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY animals ADD CONSTRAINT animals_ui PRIMARY KEY (scientificname); -- -- Name: employeetable_ui; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY employeetable ADD CONSTRAINT employeetable_ui PRIMARY KEY (employeeid); -- -- Name: supplyitem_ui; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY supplyitem ADD CONSTRAINT supplyitem_ui PRIMARY KEY (itemid); -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --