=== 2016-08-11 11:51:04,204 [ec-7] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/adminonline/version/10.0/isomorphic/IDACall', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,206 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: host:localhost:8080 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,207 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: connection:keep-alive === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,207 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: content-length:1458 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,207 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: origin:http://localhost:8080 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,207 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,208 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,208 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept:*/* === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,208 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: referer:http://localhost:8080/adminonline/secure/index.jsp === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,208 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept-encoding:gzip, deflate === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,208 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept-language:en-US,en;q=0.8,af;q=0.6 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,209 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: cookie:JSESSIONID=CF1D1ACA547D6B4F1D3CD9F3B9992D38; svarIntCompanyId=5; svarStrCompanyDescr=Tiaan; isc_cState=ready; GLog=%7B%0D%20%20%20%20trackRPC%3Afalse%0D%7D === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,211 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - session exists: CF1D1ACA547D6B4F1D3CD9F3B9992D38 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,211 [ec-7] DEBUG IDACall - remote user: null === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,214 [ec-7] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from (in memory stream): 2ms === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,215 [ec-7] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'transaction' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,215 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource null of type 'transaction' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,216 [ec-7] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'Object' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,216 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 640 of type 'Object' and assigned it to thread http-apr-8080-exec-7 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,216 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 640 of type 'Object' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,216 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 640 of type 'Object' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,217 [ec-7] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'List' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,218 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 641 of type 'List' and assigned it to thread http-apr-8080-exec-7 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,218 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 641 of type 'List' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,220 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 641 of type 'List' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,221 [ec-7] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'elem' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,221 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource null of type 'elem' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,222 [ec-7] DEBUG RPCManager - Processing 1 requests. === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,225 [ec-7] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'company_field_rules' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,226 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 446 of type 'company_field_rules' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,226 [ec-7] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: { criteria:{ _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria", fieldName:"company_id", operator:"equals", value:"5" }, operationConfig:{ dataSource:"company_field_rules", operationType:"fetch", textMatchStyle:"exact" }, startRow:0, endRow:75, sortBy:[ "field_name" ], componentId:"lgdChangeCompanyDetailsTable", appID:"builtinApplication", operation:"company_field_rules_fetch", oldValues:{ _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria", fieldName:"company_id", operator:"equals", value:"5" } } === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,261 [ec-7] INFO IDACall - Performing 1 operation(s) === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,261 [ec-7] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - Processing security checks for DataSource null, field null === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,262 [ec-7] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - DataSource company_field_rules is not in the pre-checked list, processing... === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,266 [ec-7] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - Processing security checks for DataSource null, field null === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,266 [ec-7] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - DataSource company_field_rules is not in the pre-checked list, processing... === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,267 [ec-7] DEBUG AppBase - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] No userTypes defined, allowing anyone access to all operations for this application === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,267 [ec-7] DEBUG AppBase - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] No public zero-argument method named '_company_field_rules_fetch' found, performing generic datasource operation === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,272 [ec-7] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Performing fetch operation with criteria: {_constructor:"AdvancedCriteria",fieldName:"company_id",operator:"equals",value:"5"} values: {_constructor:"AdvancedCriteria",fieldName:"company_id",operator:"equals",value:"5"} === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,273 [ec-7] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] derived query: SELECT $defaultSelectClause FROM $defaultTableClause WHERE $defaultWhereClause ORDER BY $defaultOrderClause === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,274 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Executing row count query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $defaultTableClause WHERE $defaultWhereClause === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,276 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Eval'd row count query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM company_field_rules WHERE (company_field_rules.company_id = 5 AND company_field_rules.company_id IS NOT NULL) === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,277 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableSQLConnectionFactory - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Executing pingTest 'select 1 from dual' on connection 142454698 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,278 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLConnectionManager - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Borrowed connection '142454698' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,281 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDriver - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] About to execute SQL query in 'Mysql' using connection '142454698' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,281 [ec-7] INFO SQLDriver - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Executing SQL query on 'Mysql': SELECT COUNT(*) FROM company_field_rules WHERE (company_field_rules.company_id = 5 AND company_field_rules.company_id IS NOT NULL) === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,283 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] Using SQL Limit query === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,287 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] SQL windowed select rows 0->75, result size 75. Query: SELECT company_field_rules.company_id, company_field_rules.field_cd, company_field_rules.field_name, company_field_rules.misc_label, company_field_rules.field_state_cd FROM company_field_rules WHERE (company_field_rules.company_id = 5 AND company_field_rules.company_id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY company_field_rules.field_name LIMIT 0, 75 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,287 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] SQL windowed select rows 0->75, result size 75. Query: SELECT company_field_rules.company_id, company_field_rules.field_cd, company_field_rules.field_name, company_field_rules.misc_label, company_field_rules.field_state_cd FROM company_field_rules WHERE (company_field_rules.company_id = 5 AND company_field_rules.company_id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY company_field_rules.field_name LIMIT 0, 75 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,329 [ec-7] INFO DSResponse - [builtinApplication.company_field_rules_fetch] DSResponse: List with 47 items === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,330 [ec-7] DEBUG RPCManager - Content type for RPC transaction: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,330 [ec-7] DEBUG RPCManager - DMI response, dropExtraFields: true === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,333 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLDriver - Freeing SQLDriver dbConnection 142454698 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,333 [ec-7] DEBUG SQLConnectionManager - About to close with hashcode "142454698" === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,334 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableSQLConnectionFactory - Executing pingTest 'select 1 from dual' on connection 142454698 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,334 [ec-7] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Cleared and passivated DataSource 446 of type 'company_field_rules' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,335 [ec-7] INFO Compression - /adminonline/version/10.0/isomorphic/IDACall: 7674 -> 1001 bytes === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,339 [ec-8] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/adminonline/version/10.0/isomorphic/IDACall', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,342 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: host:localhost:8080 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,342 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: connection:keep-alive === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,343 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: content-length:1211 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,343 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: origin:http://localhost:8080 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,343 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,343 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,343 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept:*/* === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,344 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: referer:http://localhost:8080/adminonline/secure/index.jsp === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,344 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept-encoding:gzip, deflate === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,344 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept-language:en-US,en;q=0.8,af;q=0.6 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,344 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: cookie:JSESSIONID=CF1D1ACA547D6B4F1D3CD9F3B9992D38; svarIntCompanyId=5; svarStrCompanyDescr=Tiaan; isc_cState=ready; GLog=%7B%0D%20%20%20%20trackRPC%3Afalse%0D%7D === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,345 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - session exists: CF1D1ACA547D6B4F1D3CD9F3B9992D38 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,348 [ec-8] DEBUG IDACall - remote user: null === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,352 [ec-8] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from (in memory stream): 2ms === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,352 [ec-8] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'transaction' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,352 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource null of type 'transaction' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,354 [ec-8] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'Object' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,354 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 642 of type 'Object' and assigned it to thread http-apr-8080-exec-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,354 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 642 of type 'Object' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,355 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 642 of type 'Object' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,359 [ec-8] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'List' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,359 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 643 of type 'List' and assigned it to thread http-apr-8080-exec-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,360 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 643 of type 'List' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,360 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 643 of type 'List' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,363 [ec-8] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'elem' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,363 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource null of type 'elem' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,364 [ec-8] DEBUG RPCManager - Processing 1 requests. === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,364 [ec-8] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'company' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,368 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 83 of type 'company' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,369 [ec-8] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: { criteria:{ _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria", fieldName:"company_id", operator:"equals", value:"5" }, operationConfig:{ dataSource:"company", operationType:"fetch", textMatchStyle:"exact" }, componentId:"dfChangeCompanyDetails", appID:"builtinApplication", operation:"company_fetch", oldValues:{ _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria", fieldName:"company_id", operator:"equals", value:"5" } } === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,391 [ec-8] INFO IDACall - Performing 1 operation(s) === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,396 [ec-8] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - Processing security checks for DataSource null, field null === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,396 [ec-8] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - DataSource company is not in the pre-checked list, processing... === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,397 [ec-8] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - Processing security checks for DataSource null, field null === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,397 [ec-8] DEBUG DeclarativeSecurity - DataSource company is not in the pre-checked list, processing... === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,400 [ec-8] DEBUG AppBase - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] No userTypes defined, allowing anyone access to all operations for this application === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,400 [ec-8] DEBUG AppBase - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] No public zero-argument method named '_company_fetch' found, performing generic datasource operation === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,401 [ec-8] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] Performing fetch operation with criteria: {_constructor:"AdvancedCriteria",fieldName:"company_id",operator:"equals",value:"5"} values: {_constructor:"AdvancedCriteria",fieldName:"company_id",operator:"equals",value:"5"} === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,406 [ec-8] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] derived query: SELECT $defaultSelectClause FROM $defaultTableClause WHERE $defaultWhereClause === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,407 [ec-8] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] 83: Executing SQL query on 'Mysql': SELECT company.company_id, company.company_name, company.status_cd, company.email, company.contact_number, company.fax_number, company.street_addr_line1, company.street_addr_line2, company.street_addr_suburb, company.street_addr_city, company.street_addr_code, company.postal_addr_line1, company.postal_addr_line2, company.postal_addr_suburb, company.postal_addr_city, company.company_type, company.postal_addr_code, company.member_reg_fee, company.member_transport_fee_std, company.member_terms_and_conditions, company.registration_email_message, company.registration_information, company.company_email_txt_invoice, company.default_commission_cd, company.default_commission_perc, company.next_billing_run_dt, company.due_date_dt, company.next_statement_run_dt, company.del_line_bank_days, company.num_of_months_in_statement, company.csv_last_imported_date, company.invoice_payment_instructions, company.sms_budget_amount, company.bulk_sms_username, company.bulk_sms_password, company.registration_instruction, company.iits_discount, company.iits_sales_channel, company.verification_hash, company.creation_dt, company.company_short_name, company.per_account, company.use_amazon_email, company.allow_multiple_service_selection, company.advanced_billing, company.auto_statement_send, company.no_payment_due, company.company_registration_number, company.company_vat_number, company.company_package_cd FROM company WHERE (company.company_id = 5 AND company.company_id IS NOT NULL) === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,414 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableSQLConnectionFactory - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] Executing pingTest 'select 1 from dual' on connection 142454698 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,415 [ec-8] DEBUG SQLConnectionManager - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] Borrowed connection '142454698' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,416 [ec-8] DEBUG SQLDriver - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] About to execute SQL query in 'Mysql' using connection '142454698' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,416 [ec-8] INFO SQLDriver - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] Executing SQL query on 'Mysql': SELECT company.company_id, company.company_name, company.status_cd, company.email, company.contact_number, company.fax_number, company.street_addr_line1, company.street_addr_line2, company.street_addr_suburb, company.street_addr_city, company.street_addr_code, company.postal_addr_line1, company.postal_addr_line2, company.postal_addr_suburb, company.postal_addr_city, company.company_type, company.postal_addr_code, company.member_reg_fee, company.member_transport_fee_std, company.member_terms_and_conditions, company.registration_email_message, company.registration_information, company.company_email_txt_invoice, company.default_commission_cd, company.default_commission_perc, company.next_billing_run_dt, company.due_date_dt, company.next_statement_run_dt, company.del_line_bank_days, company.num_of_months_in_statement, company.csv_last_imported_date, company.invoice_payment_instructions, company.sms_budget_amount, company.bulk_sms_username, company.bulk_sms_password, company.registration_instruction, company.iits_discount, company.iits_sales_channel, company.verification_hash, company.creation_dt, company.company_short_name, company.per_account, company.use_amazon_email, company.allow_multiple_service_selection, company.advanced_billing, company.auto_statement_send, company.no_payment_due, company.company_registration_number, company.company_vat_number, company.company_package_cd FROM company WHERE (company.company_id = 5 AND company.company_id IS NOT NULL) === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,434 [ec-8] INFO DSResponse - [builtinApplication.company_fetch] DSResponse: List with 1 items === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,435 [ec-8] DEBUG RPCManager - Content type for RPC transaction: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,435 [ec-8] DEBUG RPCManager - DMI response, dropExtraFields: true === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,437 [ec-8] DEBUG SQLDriver - Freeing SQLDriver dbConnection 142454698 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,438 [ec-8] DEBUG SQLConnectionManager - About to close with hashcode "142454698" === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,439 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableSQLConnectionFactory - Executing pingTest 'select 1 from dual' on connection 142454698 === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,440 [ec-8] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Cleared and passivated DataSource 83 of type 'company' === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,440 [ec-8] INFO Compression - /adminonline/version/10.0/isomorphic/IDACall: 4456 -> 2014 bytes === 2016-08-11 11:51:04,496 [c-10] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/adminonline/CompanyAudit', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,355 [ec-4] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/adminonline/CompanyAudit', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,383 [ec-5] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/adminonline/version/10.0/isomorphic/IDACall', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,385 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: host:localhost:8080 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,385 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: connection:keep-alive === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,385 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: content-length:16732 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,385 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: origin:http://localhost:8080 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,386 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,386 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,386 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept:*/* === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,386 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: referer:http://localhost:8080/adminonline/secure/index.jsp === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,386 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept-encoding:gzip, deflate === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,387 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: accept-language:en-US,en;q=0.8,af;q=0.6 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,387 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - Header Name:Value pair: cookie:JSESSIONID=CF1D1ACA547D6B4F1D3CD9F3B9992D38; svarIntCompanyId=5; svarStrCompanyDescr=Tiaan; isc_cState=ready; GLog=%7B%0D%20%20%20%20trackRPC%3Afalse%0D%7D === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,387 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - session exists: CF1D1ACA547D6B4F1D3CD9F3B9992D38 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,387 [ec-5] DEBUG IDACall - remote user: null === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,399 [ec-5] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from (in memory stream): 5ms === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,401 [ec-5] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'transaction' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,403 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource null of type 'transaction' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,407 [ec-5] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'Object' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,409 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 644 of type 'Object' and assigned it to thread http-apr-8080-exec-5 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,409 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 644 of type 'Object' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,410 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 644 of type 'Object' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,411 [ec-5] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'List' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,413 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 645 of type 'List' and assigned it to thread http-apr-8080-exec-5 === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,413 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource 645 of type 'List' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,413 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 645 of type 'List' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,414 [ec-5] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'elem' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,415 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Created DataSource null of type 'elem' in the pooling flow === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,423 [ec-5] DEBUG RPCManager - Processing 1 requests. === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,423 [ec-5] DEBUG ISCKeyedObjectPool - Borrowing object for 'company' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,424 [ec-5] DEBUG PoolableDataSourceFactory - Activated DataSource 83 of type 'company' === 2016-08-11 11:51:13,425 [ec-5] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: { criteria:{ company_id:5 }, values:{ company_id:5, postal_addr_code:"0000", street_addr_line2:"street_addr_line2", street_addr_line1:"street_addr_line1", advanced_billing:true, company_type:"coach", next_statement_run_dt:new Date(1458770400000), auto_statement_send:false, allow_multiple_service_selection:false, num_of_months_in_statement:6, no_payment_due:false, invoice_payment_instructions:"
Banking Details: Breakpoint Tennis Academy
FNB Cheque: 62420435754. Branch name: Eldoraigne. Branch code: 251145
EFT Reference MUST be the account number AND surname. For example: 10054 Maritz
Banking Details: Breakpoint Tennis Academy
FNB Cheque: 62420435754. Branch name: Eldoraigne. Branch code: 251145
EFT Reference MUST be the account number AND surname. For example: 10054 Maritz