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    RestDataSource.removeData(record) => record empty

    SmartGWT 2.5
    SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-08-02/LGPL Development Only (built 2011-08-02)

    IE 8.0.7601.17514

    I'm using RestDataSource and hand written servlets.
    Everything goes fine with fetchData, addData and updateData.

    But with removeData, the servlet only receives parameters

    All data from the record I pass to removeData is lost.
    As a workaround, I use a DSRequest and dsRequest.setData(map).
    The values in the map appear as parameters in the servlet.
    Any ideas? Is this a misunderstanding on my side or a bug or ...

    You might try a different 'dataProtocol' on your rest datasource. I set it to 'postMessage' and that passes the data as the request body.


      The method already is post, as can be seen in the RPCRequest in the Developer Console:
      "target":[RestDataSource ID:isc_RestDataSource_6]

      When I set data with dsRequest.setData(map), the data from the map ist there:
      "aType":"2", <----
      "anId":"Zeitraum I", <----
      "target":[RestDataSource ID:isc_RestDataSource_6]
      updateData works w/o calling setData:
      "aType":"2", <----
      "anId":"Zeitraum II", <----
      "target":[RestDataSource ID:isc_RestDataSource_7]


        Problem solved. JavaDoc of removeData innocently states
        "record - primary key values of record to delete, (or complete record)"

        but the "real" documentation says
        // if passed a full record, trim it down to primaryKeys.
        // ...
        meaning that if you don't have the primary keys of the DataSource set correctly, removeData will silently remove your record attributes.

        I am beginning to doubt that RestDataSource is the way to go for me ...

