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    Support for recordsFromXML batch ?


    We have a custom server communication protocol and a server which returns a very large xml response. We parse this with DataSource.recordsFromXML call which works fine when the response is small enough. We've set the resultBatchSize parameter to large number to enable us to parse the responses larger than 150 records.

    This has the side effect of IE8 warning about slow running script and we realize it's probably because of the parsing of this too large xml response. The javadoc for setResultBatchSize says that SmartClient splits up the parsing of big responses asynchronously and triggers a callback when the parsing is actually done. Could it be possible to expose this callback logic to client side app ? The API is a bit lacking now as we just get returned a null value when the result batch size is exceeded and the framework probably parses the xml at the background but we have no API to pass a callback which would be triggered after the xml is really parsed.

    Using smartgwt 3.1p nightly.
